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CAP1014-2-EZK-TR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: CAP1014-2-EZK-TR
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内容描述: 多通道电容式触摸传感器和LED驱动器 [Multiple Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor and LED Driver]
分类和应用: 驱动器传感器
文件页数/大小: 84 页 / 1205 K
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Multiple Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor and LED Driver  
The Grouped sensors have the capability to detect a slide in either the “Up” or “Down” direction as  
referenced by the sensor numbers that are used. For example, an “Up” direction slide would be  
detected if CS8 detected a touch, followed by CS9, then by CS10 etc. Likewise, a “Down” direction  
slide would be detected if CS10 detected a touch, followed by CS9, then by CS8 etc.  
Slides in either direction are configured to flag an interrupt and to cause an LED to be actuated  
(separate for each direction). The Slide is detected independently of a Press and Hold or a Tap  
condition and only one condition may be present at any one time.  
So long as a slide is maintained in either direction, it will flag an interrupt at the programmed repeat  
rate (as determined by the RPT_RATE_SL bit settings). If the slide is removed or changes direction,  
then it will reset and return to normal operation.  
Relative Position  
The CAP1014 has the option to indicate the relative position of a touch on the Grouped sensors. This  
value is stored either as a scaled number from 2 to 98 indicating where a tap, press and hold, or the  
end of a slide was detected or as a 8-bit number that represents volumetric data. When configured to  
store volumetric data, the user may write a base setting at any time that is modified based on Grouped  
sensor behavior (see Section 5.4).  
Slider Velocity  
The repeat rate can be dynamically increased based on the speed of a slide. This permits slow sliding  
motions to have precise, step-by-step volume control and faster motions to generate increasingly fast  
volume changes.  
Two techniques are employed to make increase the number of interrupts generated based on speed.  
First, the slide speed is measured and the repeat rate is increased to provide more interrupts for the  
same distance traveled relative to a slower slide. Second, additional interrupts are generated  
immediately after the slide ends to further increase the change in volume. The number of additional  
interrupts is based on slide speed; both of these dynamic slider behaviors are controlled by the Slider  
Velocity Register.  
The ALERT pin is an active high output that is driven high when an interrupt event is detected. It is  
also used to wake the device from Deep Sleep mode.  
Whenever an interrupt is generated, the INT bit (see Section 5.1) is set. The ALERT pin is cleared  
when INT bit is cleared by the user. Additionally, when the INT bit is cleared by the user status bits  
are cleared only if no press is detected.  
Button Interrupt Behavior  
For non-grouped buttons, an interrupt is generated when a touch is detected. If the repeat rate is  
enabled (see Section 5.14), then, so long as the touch is held, another interrupt will be generated  
based on the programmed repeat rate (see Figure 4.2). An interrupt will be generated whenever a  
release is detected (see Figure 4.3).  
Grouped Sensor Interrupt Behavior  
For grouped sensors, an interrupt is generated upon initial detection of a tap, slide, or press and hold  
event. Then, subsequent interrupts are generated as follows:  
1. For a slide event, an interrupt is generated based on the programmed repeat rate as well as the  
velocity of the slide operation. See Figure 4.6 and Figure 4.7. Additionally, additional interrupts are  
Revision 1.65 (08-11-09)  
SMSC CAP1014  