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STK14EC8-TF25TR 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: STK14EC8-TF25TR
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 512Kx8自动存储的nvSRAM [512Kx8 Autostore nvSRAM]
分类和应用: 存储内存集成电路静态存储器光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 203 K
 浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第8页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第9页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第10页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第11页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号STK14EC8-TF25TR的Datasheet PDF文件第16页  
To reduce unneeded nonvolatile stores, AutoStore  
and Hardware Store operations will be ignored  
unless at least one WRITE operation has taken  
place since the most recent STORE or RECALL  
cycle. Software initiated STORE cycles are per-  
formed regardless of whether a WRITE operation  
has taken place. The HSB signal can be monitored  
by the system to detect an AutoStore cycle is in  
READ cycles from six specific address locations in  
exact order. During the STORE cycle, previous data  
is erased and then the new data is programmed into  
the nonvolatile elements. Once a STORE cycle is  
initiated, further memory inputs and outputs are dis-  
abled until the cycle is completed.  
To initiate the software STORE cycle, the following  
READ sequence must be performed:  
1 Read Address 0x4E38 Valid READ  
2 Read Address 0xB1C7 Valid READ  
3 Read Address 0x83E0 Valid READ  
4 Read Address 0x7C1F Valid READ  
5 Read Address 0x703F Valid READ  
6 Read Address 0x8FC0 Initiate STORE Cycle  
The STK14EC8 provides the HSB pin for controlling  
and acknowledging the STORE operations. The  
HSB pin can be used to request a hardware STORE  
cycle. When the HSB pin is driven low, the  
STK14EC8 will conditionally initiate a STORE oper-  
ation after t  
. An actual STORE cycle will only  
Once the sixth address in the sequence has been  
entered, the STORE cycle will commence and the  
chip will be disabled. It is important that READ  
cycles and not WRITE cycles be used in the  
begin if a WRITE to the SRAM took place since the  
last STORE or RECALL cycle. The HSB pin also  
acts as an open drain driver that is internally driven  
low to indicate a busy condition while the STORE  
(initiated by any means) is in progress. This pin  
should be externally pulled up if it is used to drive  
other inputs.  
sequence and that G is active. After the t  
time has been fulfilled, the SRAM will again be acti-  
vated for READ and WRITE operation.  
SRAM READ and WRITE operations that are in  
progress when HSB is driven low by any means are  
given time to complete before the STORE operation  
is initiated. After HSB goes low, the STK14CA8 will  
Data can be transferred from the nonvolatile mem-  
ory to the SRAM by a software address sequence. A  
software RECALL cycle is initiated with a sequence  
of READ operations in a manner similar to the soft-  
ware STORE initiation. To initiate the RECALL cycle,  
the following sequence of E controlled or G con-  
trolled READ operations must be performed:  
continue to allow SRAM operations for t  
. Dur-  
ing t  
, multiple SRAM READ operations may  
take place. If a WRITE is in progress when HSB is  
pulled low, it will be allowed a time, t , to com-  
plete. However, any SRAM WRITE cycles requested  
after HSB goes low will be inhibited until HSB  
returns high.  
1 Read Address 0x4E38 Valid READ  
2 Read Address 0xB1C7 Valid READ  
3 Read Address 0x83E0 Valid READ  
4 Read Address 0x7C1F Valid READ  
5 Read Address 0x703F Valid READ  
6 Read Address 0x4C63 Initiate RECALL Cycle  
If HSB is not used, it should be left unconnected.  
During power up or after any low-power condition  
(V <V  
), an internal RECALL request will be  
latched. When V  
voltage of V  
cally be initiated and will take t  
once again exceeds the sense  
, a RECALL cycle will automati-  
Internally, RECALL is a two-step procedure. First,  
the SRAM data is cleared, and second, the nonvola-  
tile information is transferred into the SRAM cells.  
to complete.  
After the t  
cycle time, the SRAM will once  
again be ready for READ or WRITE operations. The  
RECALL operation in no way alters the data in the  
nonvolatile storage elements. Care must be taken  
so the controlling falling edge is glitch and ring free  
so as not to double clock the read address.  
Data can be transferred from the SRAM to the non-  
volatile memory by a software address sequence.  
The STK14EC8 software STORE cycle is initiated  
by executing sequential E controlled or G controlled  
Rev 1.0  
Document Control #ML0060  
April, 2007  
Simtek Confidential  