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SI1002-C-GM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SI1002-C-GM
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内容描述: 超低功耗, 64/32 KB , 10位ADC, MCU ,集成了240-960兆赫的EZRadioPRO收发器 [Ultra Low Power, 64/32 kB, 10-Bit ADC MCU with Integrated 240-960 MHz EZRadioPRO Transceiver]
文件页数/大小: 376 页 / 2369 K
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14.4. Suspend Mode  
Setting the Suspend Mode Select bit (PMU0CF.6) causes the system clock to be gated off and all internal  
oscillators disabled. All digital logic (timers, communication peripherals, interrupts, CPU, etc.) stops  
functioning until one of the enabled wake-up sources occurs.  
Important Notes:  
When entering Suspend Mode, the global clock divider must be set to "divide by 1" by setting  
CLKDIV[2:0] = 000b in the CLKSEL register.  
The one-shot circuit should be enabled by clearing the BYPASS bit (FLSCL.6) to logic 0. See the  
note in SFR Definition 13.3. FLSCL: Flash Scale for more information on how to properly clear  
the BYPASS bit.  
Upon wake-up from suspend mode, PMU0 requires two system clocks in order to update the PMU0CF  
wake-up flags. All flags will read back a value of 0 during the first two system clocks following a wake-  
up from suspend mode.  
The system clock source must be set to the low power internal oscillator or the precision oscillator prior  
to entering suspend mode.  
The following wake-up sources can be configured to wake the device from suspend mode:  
SmaRTClock Oscillator Fail  
SmaRTClock Alarm  
Port Match Event  
Comparator0 Rising Edge  
In addition, a noise glitch on RST that is not long enough to reset the device will cause the device to exit  
suspend. In order for the MCU to respond to the pin reset event, software must not place the device back  
into suspend mode for a period of 15 µs. The PMU0CF register may be checked to determine if the wake-  
up was due to a falling edge on the /RST pin. If the wake-up source is not due to a falling edge on RST,  
there is no time restriction on how soon software may place the device back into suspend mode. A 4.7 k  
pullup resistor to VDD_MCU/DC+ is recommend for RST to prevent noise glitches from waking the device.  
14.5. Sleep Mode  
Setting the Sleep Mode Select bit (PMU0CF.6) turns off the internal 1.8 V regulator (VREG0) and switches  
the power supply of all on-chip RAM to the VDD_MCU pin (see Figure 14.1). Power to most digital logic on  
the chip is disconnected; only PMU0 and the SmaRTClock remain powered. Analog peripherals remain  
powered. The Comparators remain functional when the device enters sleep mode. All other analog periph-  
erals (ADC0, IREF0, External Oscillator, etc.) should be disabled prior to entering sleep mode. The system  
clock source must be set to the low power internal oscillator or the precision oscillator prior to entering  
sleep mode.  
Important Notes:  
When entering Sleep Mode, the global clock divider must be set to "divide by 1" by setting  
CLKDIV[2:0] = 000b in the CLKSEL register.  
Any write to PMU0CF which places the device in sleep mode should be immediately followed by two  
NOP instructions. Software that does not place two NOP instructions immediately following the write to  
PMU0CF should continue to behave the same way as during software development.  
GPIO pins configured as digital outputs will retain their output state during sleep mode. In two-cell mode,  
they will maintain the same current drive capability in sleep mode as they have in normal mode. In one-cell  
mode, the VDD_MCU/DC+ supply will drop to the level of VBAT, which will reduce the output high-voltage  
level and the source and sink current drive capability.  
GPIO pins configured as digital inputs can be used during sleep mode as wakeup sources using the port  
match feature. In two-cell mode, they will maintain the same input level specifications in sleep mode as  
they have in normal mode. In one-cell mode, the VDD supply will drop to the level of VBAT, which will lower  
the switching threshold and increase the propagation delay.  
Rev. 1.0  