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SI1005 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SI1005
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内容描述: 超低功耗, 64/32 KB , 10位ADC, MCU ,集成了240-960兆赫的EZRadioPRO收发器 [Ultra Low Power, 64/32 kB, 10-Bit ADC MCU with Integrated 240-960 MHz EZRadioPRO Transceiver]
文件页数/大小: 376 页 / 2369 K
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16.2. High Power Applications  
The dc-dc converter is designed to provide the system with 65 mW of output power, however, it can safely  
provide up to 100 mW of output power without any risk of damage to the device. For high power applica-  
tions, the system should be carefully designed to prevent unwanted VBAT and VDD_MCU/DC+ Supply  
Monitor resets, which are more likely to occur when the dc-dc converter output power exceeds 65mW. In  
addition, output power above 65 mW causes the dc-dc converter to have relaxed output regulation, high  
output ripple and more analog noise. At high output power, an inductor with low DC resistance should be  
chosen in order to minimize power loss and maximize efficiency.  
The combination of high output power and low input voltage will result in very high peak and average  
inductor currents. If the power supply has a high internal resistance, the transient voltage on the VBAT ter-  
minal could drop below 0.9 V and trigger a VBAT Supply Monitor Reset, even if the open-circuit voltage is  
well above the 0.9 V threshold. While this problem is most often associated with operation from very small  
batteries or batteries that are near the end of their useful life, it can also occur when using bench power  
supplies that have a slow transient response; the supply’s display may indicate a voltage above 0.9 V, but  
the minimum voltage on the VBAT pin may be lower. A similar problem can occur at the output of the dc-dc  
converter: using the default low current limit setting (125 mA) can trigger V Supply Monitor resets if there  
is a high transient load current, particularly if the programmed output voltage is at or near 1.8 V.  
16.3. Pulse Skipping Mode  
The dc-dc converter allows the user to set the minimum pulse width such that if the duty cycle needs to  
decrease below a certain width in order to maintain regulation, an entire "clock pulse" will be skipped.  
Pulse skipping can provide substantial power savings, particularly at low values of load current. The con-  
verter will continue to maintain a minimum output voltage at its programmed value when pulse skipping is  
employed, though the output voltage ripple can be higher. Another consideration is that the dc-dc will oper-  
ate with pulse-frequency modulation rather than pulse-width modulation, which makes the switching fre-  
quency spectrum less predictable; this could be an issue if the dc-dc converter is used to power a radio.  
Figure 4.5 and Figure 4.6 on page 49 and page 50 show the effect of pulse skipping on power consump-  
16.4. Enabling the DC-DC Converter  
On power-on reset, the state of the DCEN pin is sampled to determine if the device will power up in one-  
cell or two-cell mode. In two-cell mode, the dc-dc converter always remains disabled. In one-cell mode, the  
dc-dc converter remains disabled in Sleep Mode, and enabled in all other power modes. See Section  
“14. Power Management” on page 151 for complete details on available power modes.  
The dc-dc converter is enabled (one-cell mode) in hardware by placing a 0.68 µH inductor between DCEN  
and VBAT. The dc-dc converter is disabled (two-cell mode) by shorting DCEN directly to GND. The DCEN  
pin should never be left floating. Note that the device can only switch between one-cell and two-cell mode  
during a power-on reset. See Section “18. Reset Sources” on page 175 for more information regarding  
reset behavior.  
Figure 16.2 shows the two dc-dc converter configuration options.  
Rev. 1.0  