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SI1005-C-GM 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SI1005-C-GM
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内容描述: 超低功耗, 64/32 KB , 10位ADC, MCU ,集成了240-960兆赫的EZRadioPRO收发器 [Ultra Low Power, 64/32 kB, 10-Bit ADC MCU with Integrated 240-960 MHz EZRadioPRO Transceiver]
文件页数/大小: 376 页 / 2369 K
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20.2. SmaRTClock Clocking Sources  
The SmaRTClock peripheral is clocked from its own timebase, independent of the system clock. The  
SmaRTClock timebase is derived from the SmaRTClock oscillator circuit, which has two modes of opera-  
tion: Crystal Mode, and Self-Oscillate Mode. The oscillation frequency is 32.768 kHz in Crystal Mode and  
can be programmed in the range of 10 kHz to 40 kHz in Self-Oscillate Mode. The frequency of the SmaRT-  
Clock oscillator can be measured with respect to another oscillator using an on-chip timer. See Section  
“27. Timers” on page 330 for more information on how this can be accomplished.  
Note: The SmaRTClock timebase can be selected as the system clock and routed to a port pin. See Section  
“19. Clocking Sources” on page 182 for information on selecting the system clock source and Section “21. Port  
Input/Output” on page 207 for information on how to route the system clock to a port pin.  
20.2.1. Using the SmaRTClock Oscillator with a Crystal or External CMOS Clock  
When using Crystal Mode, a 32.768 kHz crystal should be connected between XTAL3 and XTAL4. No  
other external components are required. The following steps show how to start the SmaRTClock crystal  
oscillator in software:  
1. Set SmaRTClock to Crystal Mode (XMODE = 1).  
2. Disable Automatic Gain Control (AGCEN) and enable Bias Doubling (BIASX2) for fast crystal startup.  
3. Set the desired loading capacitance (RTC0XCF).  
4. Enable power to the SmaRTClock oscillator circuit (RTC0EN = 1).  
5. Wait 20 ms.  
6. Poll the SmaRTClock Clock Valid Bit (CLKVLD) until the crystal oscillator stabilizes.  
7. Poll the SmaRTClock Load Capacitance Ready Bit (LOADRDY) until the load capacitance reaches its  
programmed value.  
8. Enable Automatic Gain Control (AGCEN) and disable Bias Doubling (BIASX2) for maximum power  
9. Enable the SmaRTClock missing clock detector.  
10.Wait 2 ms.  
11.Clear the PMU0CF wake-up source flags.  
In Crystal Mode, the SmaRTClock oscillator may be driven by an external CMOS clock. The CMOS clock  
should be applied to XTAL3. XTAL4 should be left floating. The input low voltage (VIL) and input high volt-  
age (VIH) for XTAL3 when used with an external CMOS clock are 0.1 and 0.8 V, respectively. The SmaRT-  
Clock oscillator should be configured to its lowest bias setting with AGC disabled. The CLKVLD bit is  
indeterminate when using a CMOS clock, however, the OSCFAIL bit may be checked 2 ms after SmaRT-  
Clock oscillator is powered on to ensure that there is a valid clock on XTAL3.  
20.2.2. Using the SmaRTClock Oscillator in Self-Oscillate Mode  
When using Self-Oscillate Mode, the XTAL3 and XTAL4 pins should be shorted together. The RTC0PIN  
register can be used to internally short XTAL3 and XTAL4. The following steps show how to configure  
SmaRTClock for use in Self-Oscillate Mode:  
1. Set SmaRTClock to Self-Oscillate Mode (XMODE = 0).  
2. Set the desired oscillation frequency:  
For oscillation at about 20 kHz, set BIASX2 = 0.  
For oscillation at about 40 kHz, set BIASX2 = 1.  
3. The oscillator starts oscillating instantaneously.  
4. Fine tune the oscillation frequency by adjusting the load capacitance (RTC0XCF).  
Rev. 1.0  