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SA9903B_17 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: SA9903B_17
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内容描述: [Single Phase Multifunction Energy Metering IC]
文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 530 K
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The following description outlines the basic process required  
to design a typical single phase energy meter using the  
SA9903B and a shunt resistor. The meter is capable of  
measuring 220V/40A/50Hz with a precision better than Class  
1 on active energy and Class 2 on reactive energy.  
ꢍ1 = ꢍꢃ =  
≈ 100푛퐹 = ꢍ퐶  
휋푓 ꢉ휋 × 15푘ꢎ푧 × ꢃ00Ω  
where fCI is the cut-off frequency of the anti-alias filter of the  
current input network.  
Voltage Input Network  
The most important external circuits required for the  
SA9903B are the current input network, the voltage input  
network as well as the bias resistor. All resistors should be  
1% metal film resistors of the same type to minimize  
temperature effects. Calibration of a microcontroller based  
meter is typically done in software so the external circuits do  
not require calibration mechanisms.  
The voltage sense input requires an input current of 14μARMS  
at VNOM (220V). The mains voltage is divided by means of a  
voltage divider to a lower voltage that is converted to the  
required input current by means of the input resistor. Once  
again an anti-alias filter is required to remove any high  
frequency signals that could affect the performance of the  
SA9903B. A shunt typically has very little phase shift so  
phase compensation is not required.  
Bias Resistor  
A bias resistor of R10 = 24ksets optimum bias and  
reference currents on chip.  
The input resistor R8 sets the current input into the device.  
This resistor should not be too large else the capacitor for the  
anti-alias filter will be quite small which could cause  
inaccurate phase shift due to parasitic capacitances.  
Therefore R8 = 100kis chosen. R9 should be significantly  
smaller than R8, but not too small in order to limit the power  
dissipation of the voltage input network. Hence R9 = 4.3kis  
chosen. Now let RA = R19 + R20 + R21 and  
Current Input Network  
The voltage drop across the shunt resistor at maximum rated  
current should not be less than 5mVRMS and not exceed  
100mVRMS. A 320μshunt is chosen which sets the voltage  
drop at maximum rated current to 12.8mV and the maximum  
power dissipation in the shunt to 0.5W. The voltage across  
the shunt resistor is converted to the required differential  
input currents through the current input resistors. Anti-alias  
filters are incorporated on these input resistors to filter any  
high frequency signal components that could affect the  
performance of the SA9903B.  
= ꢉ9 × ꢏ  
− 1ꢐ ≈ 671푘Ω  
so choose R19 = R20 = R21 = 220k.  
The cut-off frequency of the anti-alias filter is adjusted so that  
it is identical to that of the current input network anti-alias  
filters. This ensures that the phase shift caused by the anti-  
alias filters is identical on the current and voltage input  
networks. Therefore  
The four current input resistors (R1, R2, R3, R4) should be of  
equal size to optimize the input networks low pass filtering  
characteristics, so the values can be calculated as follows:  
ꢉ1 = ꢉꢃ = ꢉ3 = ꢉ4 = 퐼푀퐴푋  
= ꢃ00Ω = ꢉ퐶  
4 × 16휇ꢌ  
휋ꢍ× ꢉꢃ휋 × ꢉ9 × ꢍ3  
For optimum performance the cut-off frequency of the anti-  
alias filter should be between 10kHz and 20kHz. The  
equivalent resistance associated with each capacitor is RC/2  
so the capacitor values should be in the order of  
and so set C3 = 2.2nF.  
SPEC-0051 (REV. 5)  