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QT60325-AS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT60325-AS
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内容描述: 32 , 48 , 64 KEY QMatrix KEYPANEL传感器IC [32, 48, 64 KEY QMatrix KEYPANEL SENSOR ICS]
分类和应用: 传感器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 810 K
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© Quantum Research Group Ltd.  
the detection integrator (Section 2.6). Larger absolute values when the signal in question has not crossed the negative  
of threshold desensitize keys since the signal must travel  
farther in order to cross the threshold level. Conversely, lower  
thresholds make keys more sensitive.  
threshold level (Section 2.1).  
The drift compensation mechanism can be made asymmetric  
if desired; the drift-compensation can be made to occur in  
one direction faster than it does in the other simply by setting  
^H and ^I to different settings.  
As Cx and Cs drift, the reference point drift-compensates for  
these changes at a user-settable rate (Section 2.4); the  
threshold level is recomputed whenever the reference point  
moves, and thus it also is drift compensated.  
Specifically, drift compensation should be set to compensate  
faster for increasing signals than for decreasing signals.  
Decreasing signals should not be compensated quickly, since  
an approaching finger could be compensated for partially or  
entirely before even touching the touch pad. However, an  
obstruction over the sense pad, for which the sensor has  
already made full allowance for, could suddenly be removed  
leaving the sensor with an artificially suppressed reference  
level and thus become insensitive to touch. In this latter case,  
the sensor should compensate for the object's removal by  
raising the reference level relatively quickly.  
The negative threshold is programmed on a per-key basis  
using the setup process described in Section 5.  
2.2 Positive Threshold  
See also command ^B, page 24  
The positive threshold is used to provide a mechanism for  
recalibration of the reference point when a key's signal moves  
abruptly to the positive. These transitions are described more  
fully in Section 2.7.  
The drift compensation rate can be set for each key  
individually, and can also be disabled completely if desired on  
a per-key basis.  
Positive threshold levels are programmed in using the setup  
process described in Section 5 on a per-key basis.  
Drift compensation and the detection time-outs (Section 2.5)  
work together to provide for robust, adaptive sensing. The  
time-outs provide abrupt changes in reference calibration  
depending on the duration of the signal 'event'.  
2.3 Hysteresis  
See also command ^C and ^D, page 25  
Refer to Figure 2-1. QT60xx5 ICs employ programmable  
hysteresis levels of 12.5%, 25%, or 50% of the delta between  
the reference and threshold levels. There are different  
hysteresis settings for positive and negative thresholds which  
can be set by the user. The hysteresis is a percentage of the  
distance from the threshold level back towards the reference,  
and defines the point at which the detection will drop out. A  
percentage of 12.5% is less hysteresis than 25%, and the  
12.5% hysteresis point is closer to the threshold level than to  
the reference level.  
Drift compensation can result in reference levels that are at  
the boundaries of the 8-bit signal window. When this occurs,  
saturation is reached and the drift compensation process  
stops. One of two error flags is set when the signal  
approaches either end of the signal window; it is up to the  
host to read these flags and induce a full recalibration via a  
recalibration command at that time (Section 2.10 and  
command b, page 28) for the key in question.  
2.5 Detection Recalibration Delay  
See also command ^L, page 26  
The hysteresis levels are set for all keys only; it is not  
possible to set the hysteresis differently from key to key on  
either the positive or negative hysteresis levels.  
If a foreign object contacts a key the key's signal may change  
enough in the negative direction, the same as a normal  
touch, to create an unintended detection. When this happens  
it is usually desirable to cause the key to be recalibrated in  
order to restore its function after a time delay of some  
2.4 Drift Compensation  
See also commands ^H, ^I, page 26  
Signals can drift because of changes in Cx and Cs over time  
and temperature. It is crucial that such drift be compensated,  
else false detections and sensitivity shifts can occur. The  
QT60xx5 compensates for drift using setups, ^H and ^I.  
The Negative Recal Delay timer monitors this detection  
duration; if a detection event exceeds the timer's setting, the  
key will be fast-recalibrated within its current 8-bit window.  
This form of recalibration is simply one of setting Reference =  
Signal, and does not affect Offset or Cz state; as a result this  
form of recalibration requires only one burst spacing interval  
Drift compensation (Figure 2-1) is performed by making the  
reference level track the raw signal at a slow rate, but only  
while there is no detection in effect. The rate of adjustment  
must be performed slowly, otherwise legitimate  
detections could be ignored. The devices drift  
compensate using a slew-rate limited change to  
the reference level; the threshold and hysteresis  
values are slaved to this reference.  
Figure 2-1 Thresholds and Drift Compensation  
When a finger is sensed, the signal falls since the  
human body acts to absorb charge from the  
cross-coupling between X and Y lines. An isolated,  
untouched foreign object (a coin, or a water film)  
will cause the signal to rise very slightly due to an  
enhancement of coupling. This is contrary to the  
way most capacitive sensors operate.  
Once a finger is sensed, the drift compensation  
mechanism ceases since the signal is legitimately  
detecting an object. Drift compensation only works  
www.qprox.com QT60xx5 / R1.05  