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QT60325B-AS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: QT60325B-AS
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内容描述: 32 , 48 , 64 KEY QMatrix KEYPANEL传感器IC [32, 48, 64 KEY QMatrix KEYPANEL SENSOR ICS]
分类和应用: 传感器
文件页数/大小: 42 页 / 810 K
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© Quantum Research Group Ltd.  
External fields can cause interference leading to false  
Cs when the drive signal is low, so ^S should be set to 0.  
Figure 3-2 requires that ^S be set to 1.  
detections or sensitivity shifts. Most fields come from AC  
power sources. RFI noise sources are heavily suppressed by  
the low impedance nature of the QT circuitry itself.  
This feature allows for operation with the two basic circuit  
topologies which require different Cs reset control polarities.  
External noise becomes a problem if the noise is uncorrelated  
with signal sampling; uncorrelated noise can cause aliasing  
effects in the key signals. To suppress this problem the  
devices feature a noise sync input which allows bursts to  
synchronize to the noise source. This same input can also be  
used to wake the part from a low-power Sleep state.  
3.20 Oscilloscope Sync  
See also Command ^R, page 29  
MSpin 37 can output a positive pulse oscilloscope sync that  
brackets the burst of a selected key. This feature is controlled  
by the ^R command. More than one burst can output a sync  
pulse, for example if the scope of the command when set is  
a row or column, or is all keys. The ^R command is volatile  
and does not survive reset or power down.  
The devices bursts can be synchronized to an external  
source of repetitive electrical signal, such as 50Hz or 60Hz,  
or possibly a video display vertical sync line, using the  
Sleep_wake / Noise sync line. The noise sync operating  
mode is set by command ^W. This feature allows dominant  
external noise signals to be heavily suppressed, since the  
system and the noise become synchronized and no longer  
beat or alias with respect to each other. The sync occurs  
only at the burst for key 0 (X0Y0); the device waits for the  
sync signal for up to 100ms after the end of a preceding full  
matrix scan (after key #63), then when a negative sync edge  
is received, the matrix is scanned in its entirety again.  
This feature is invaluable for diagnostics; without it, observing  
signals clearly on an oscilloscope for a particular burst is  
nearly impossible.  
This pin is also used as a SPI mode select pin. In order to  
prevent a shorted output when the oscilloscope sync is  
enabled, the MS pin should only be connected to ground or  
Vdd via a m10K resistor.  
This function is supported in QmBtn PC software via a  
The sync signal drive should be a buffered logic signal, or  
perhaps a diode-clamped signal, but never a raw AC signal  
from the mains.  
3.21 Power Supply and PCB Layout  
Since Noise sync is highly effective yet simple and  
Vdd should be 5.0 volts +/- 5%. This can be provided by a  
common 78L05 3-terminal regulator. LDO type regulators are  
usually fine but can suffer from poor transient load response  
which may cause erratic signal behavior.  
inexpensive to implement, it is strongly advised to take  
advantage of it anywhere there is a possibility of encountering  
electric fields. Quantums QmBtn software can show signal  
noise caused by nearby AC electric fields and will hence  
assist in determining the need to make use of this feature.  
If the power supply is shared with another electronic system,  
care should be taken to assure that the supply is free of  
digital spikes, sags, and surges which can adversely affect  
the circuit. The devices can track slow changes in Vcc  
depending on the settings of drift compensation, but signals  
can be adversely affected by rapid voltage steps and impulse  
noise on the supply rail.  
If the sync feature is enabled but no sync signal exists, the  
sensor will continue to operate but with a delay of 100ms  
from the end of one scan to the start of the next, and hence  
will have a slow response time.  
3.18 LED / Alert Output  
0.1µF bypass caps from power to ground should be used  
near every supply pin of every active component in the circuit.  
Pin 40 is designed to drive a low-current LED, 5mA  
maximum, active-low. The LED will glow brightly (i.e. pin 40  
will be solid low) during calibration of one or more keys, for  
example at startup. When a key is detected, pin 40 will be low  
for the duration of each burst for which a key is sensed, i.e.  
with a very low duty cycle. Each additional key being detected  
will also create a low pulse for that keys burst. During all  
other times, the LED pin will be inactive (high).  
Vee is a negative supply used by the circuit of Figure 3-1; it  
can range from -3V to -5V. It does not need to be regulated  
but should be well filtered and free from external fluctuations.  
Figure 3-1 shows a simple, inexpensive charge-pump which  
is driven from resonator pin XTO to generate Vee.  
Current requirements of the circuit are approximately  
20mA / Vdd, 4mA / Vee when running.  
This pin can be used to alert the host that there is key activity,  
in order to limit the amount of communication between the  
device and the host. The LED / Alert line should ideally be  
connected to an interrupt pin on the host that can detect a  
negative edge, following which the host can proceed to poll  
the device for key activations.  
PCB layout: The PCB layout should incorporate a ground  
plane under the entire circuit; this is possible even with  
2-layer boards. The ground plane should be broken up as  
little as possible. Internal nodes of the circuit can be quite  
sensitive to external noise and the circuit should be kept  
away from stray magnetic and electric fields, for example  
those emanating from mains power components such as  
transformers and power capacitors. If proximity to such  
components is unavoidable, an electrostatic shield should be  
considered. The Sync feature (Section 3.17) can also be  
invaluable in reducing these types of noise sources.  
This pin also pulls low if there is a key error of any kind.  
Note that in sleep mode if the LED was on just prior to sleep,  
it will remain on during sleep.  
3.19 CSR Drive Polarity  
See also Command ^S, page 29  
Sample layout artwork is available from Quantum on request.  
The polarity of the Cs integrator capacitor reset drive can be  
set for active high or active low operation using command ^S.  
In the reference circuit show in Figure 3-1, the JFET will reset  
www.qprox.com QT60xx5B / R1.06  