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LNK605GG 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LNK605GG
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内容描述: 节能高效,准确的CV / CC切换为适配器和充电器 [Energy-Efficient, Accurate CV/CC Switcher for Adapters and Chargers]
分类和应用: 光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 18 页 / 883 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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Auto-Restart and Open-Loop Protection  
LinkSwitch-II Functional Description  
In the event of a fault condition such as an output short or an  
open loop condition the LinkSwitch-II enters into an appropriate  
protection mode as described below.  
The LinkSwitch-II combines a high voltage power MOSFET  
switch with a power supply controller in one device. Similar to  
the LinkSwitch-LP and TinySwitch-III it uses ON/OFF control to  
regulate the output voltage. In addition, the switching frequency  
is modulated to regulate the output current to provide a  
constant current characteristic. The LinkSwitch-II controller  
consists of an oscillator, feedback (sense and logic) circuit, 6 V  
regulator, over-temperature protection, frequency jittering,  
current limit circuit, leading-edge blanking, inductance  
correction circuitry, frequency control for constant current  
regulation and ON/OFF state machine for CV control.  
In the event the FEEDBACK pin voltage during the flyback  
period falls below 0.7 V before the FEEDBACK pin sampling  
delay (~2.5 ms) for a duration in excess of ~450 ms (auto-restart  
on-time (tAR-ON) the converter enters into auto-restart, wherein  
the power MOSFET is disabled for 2 seconds (~18% auto-  
restart duty cycle). The auto-restart alternately enables and  
disables the switching of the power MOSFET until the fault  
condition is removed.  
Inductance Correction Circuitry  
In addition to the conditions for auto-restart described above, if  
the sensed FEEDBACK pin current during the forward period of  
the conduction cycle (switch “on” time) falls below 120 mA, the  
converter annunciates this as an open-loop condition (top  
resistor in potential divider is open or missing) and reduces the  
auto-restart time from 450 msec to approximately 6 clock cycles  
(90 ms), whilst keeping the disable period of 2 seconds.  
If the primary magnetizing inductance is either too high or low  
the converter will automatically compensate for this by adjusting  
the oscillator frequency. Since this controller is designed to  
operate in discontinuous-conduction mode the output power is  
directly proportional to the set primary inductance and its  
tolerance can be completely compensated with adjustments to  
the switching frequency.  
Over-Temperature Protection  
Constant Current (CC) Operation  
The thermal shutdown circuitry senses the die temperature. The  
threshold is set at 142 °C typical with a 60 °C hysteresis. When  
the die temperature rises above this threshold (142 °C) the  
power MOSFET is disabled and remains disabled until the die  
temperature falls by 60 °C, at which point the MOSFET is  
As the output voltage and therefore the flyback voltage across  
the bias winding increases, the FEEDBACK pin voltage increases.  
The switching frequency is adjusted as the FEEDBACK pin  
voltage increases to provide a constant output current regulation.  
The constant current circuit and the inductance correction  
circuit are designed to operate concurrently in the CC region.  
Current Limit  
Constant Voltage (CV) Operation  
The current limit circuit senses the current in the power  
MOSFET. When this current exceeds the internal threshold  
(ILIMIT), the power MOSFET is turned off for the remainder of that  
cycle. The leading edge blanking circuit inhibits the current limit  
comparator for a short time (tLEB) after the power MOSFET is  
turned on. This leading edge blanking time has been set so that  
current spikes caused by capacitance and rectifier reverse  
recovery time will not cause premature termination of the MOSFET  
conduction. The LinkSwitch-II also contains a “di/dt” correction  
feature to minimize CC variation across the input line range.  
As the FEEDBACK pin approaches VFBth from the constant  
current regulation mode, the power supply transitions into CV  
operation. The switching frequency at this point is at its  
maximum value, corresponding to the peak power point of the  
CCCV characteristic. The controller regulates the feedback pin  
voltage to remain at VFBth using an ON/OFF state-machine. The  
FEEDBACK pin voltage is sampled 2.5 ms after the turn-off of  
the high voltage switch. At light loads the current limit is also  
reduced to decrease the transformer flux density.  
Output Cable Compensation  
6.0 V Regulator  
This compensation provides a constant output voltage at the  
end of the cable over the entire load range in CV mode. As the  
converter load increases from no-load to the peak power point  
(transition point between CV and CC) the voltage drop introduced  
across the output cable is compensated by increasing the  
FEEDBACK pin reference voltage. The controller determines the  
output load and therefore the correct degree of compensation  
based on the output of the state machine. Cable drop  
compensation for a 24 AWG (0.3 W) cable is selected with  
CBP = 1 mF and for a 26 AWG (0.49 W) cable with CPB = 10 mF.  
The 6 V regulator charges the bypass capacitor connected to  
the BYPASS pin to 6 V by drawing a current from the voltage on  
the DRAIN, whenever the MOSFET is off. The BYPASS pin is  
the internal supply voltage node. When the MOSFET is on, the  
device runs off of the energy stored in the bypass capacitor.  
Extremely low power consumption of the internal circuitry  
allows the LinkSwitch-II to operate continuously from the  
current drawn from the DRAIN pin. A bypass capacitor value of  
either 1 mF or 10 mF is sufficient for both high frequency  
decoupling and energy storage.  
Rev. F 01/10  