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INN3164C-H101-TL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: INN3164C-H101-TL
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文件页数/大小: 30 页 / 2250 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
 浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第1页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第2页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第3页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第4页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第6页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第7页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第8页浏览型号INN3164C-H101-TL的Datasheet PDF文件第9页  
The first auto-restart off-time is short (tAR(OFF)SH). This short auto-  
restart time is to provide quick recovery under fast reset conditions.  
The short auto-restart off-time allows the controller to quickly check to  
determine whether the auto-restart condition is maintained beyond  
tAR(OFF)SH. If so, it will resort to a full auto-restart off-time.  
ꢖꢉ ꢖꢎꢑꢅꢋꢎꢟ ꢜꢓꢑꢌ  
ꢈꢉ ꢈeꢗꢇꢔꢏꢋꢎꢟ ꢜꢓꢑꢌ  
ꢖꢉ ꢖꢇꢍeꢎeꢏ ꢦꢌꢝ ꢈꢍꢑꢒꢗꢓꢑꢔꢙ  
ꢈꢉ ꢖꢇꢍeꢎꢑꢔꢙ ꢦꢌ  
The auto-restart is reset as soon as an AC reset occurs.  
SOA Protection  
In the event that there are two consecutive cycles where the ILIM is  
reached within ~500 ns (the blanking time + current limit delay time),  
the controller will skip 2.5 cycles or ~25 ms (based on full frequency  
of 100 kHz). This provides sufficient time for the transformer to reset  
with large capacitive loads without extending the start-up time.  
ꢖꢉ ꢢꢐꢒꢇꢣReꢁꢒꢋꢎꢒ  
ꢈꢉ ꢖꢇꢍeꢎꢑꢔꢙ ꢦꢌ  
ꢈꢉ ꢊꢋꢁ ꢌꢇꢍeꢎeꢏ  
ꢐꢌ ꢍꢑꢒꢓꢑꢔ ꢃꢄ ꢅꢁꢕ  
Secondary Rectifier/SR MOSFET Short Protection (SRS)  
In the event that the output diode or SR FET is short-circuited before  
or during the primary conduction cycle, the drain current (prior to the  
end of the leading edge blanking time) can be much higher than the  
maximum current limit threshold. If the controller turns the high-  
voltage power MOSFET off, the resulting peak drain voltage could  
exceed the rated BVDSS of the device, resulting in catastrophic failure  
even with minimum on-time.  
ꢖꢉ ꢡꢇeꢁ ꢒꢇ ꢢꢐꢒꢇꢣReꢁꢒꢋꢎꢒ ꢞꢤꢤ  
ꢈꢉ ꢥꢟꢌꢋꢁꢁ Dꢑꢁꢗꢓꢋꢎꢙꢑꢔꢙ  
ꢃꢄ ꢅꢁ  
ꢖꢉ ꢈꢍꢑꢒꢗꢓꢑꢔꢙ  
ꢈꢉ ꢈeꢔꢏꢁ ꢊꢋꢔꢏꢁꢓꢋꢘꢑꢔꢙ ꢖꢐꢚꢁeꢁ  
To address this issue, the controller features a circuit that reacts  
when the drain current exceeds the maximum current limit threshold  
prior to the end of leading-edge blanking time. If the leading-edge  
current exceeds current limit within a cycle (200 ns), the primary  
controller will trigger a 30 ms off-time event. SOA mode is triggered if  
there are two consecutive cycles above current limit within tLES  
(~500 ns). SRS mode also triggers ~200 ms off-time, if the current  
limit is reached within 200 ns after a 30 ms off-time.  
ꢖꢉ ꢊꢋꢁ Reꢗeꢑveꢏ  
ꢖꢉ ꢜꢇꢔꢒꢑꢔꢐꢇꢐꢁ ꢈꢍꢑꢒꢗꢓꢑꢔꢙ  
ꢈꢉ Dꢇeꢁꢔꢠꢒ ꢘe ꢜꢇꢔꢒꢎꢇꢚ  
ꢖꢉ ꢈꢒꢇꢌꢁ ꢈꢍꢑꢒꢗꢓꢑꢔꢙꢝ ꢊꢋꢔꢏꢁ  
ꢞveꢎ ꢜꢇꢔꢒꢎꢇꢚ ꢒꢇ ꢈeꢗꢇꢔꢏꢋꢎꢟ  
Input Line Voltage Monitoring  
The UNDER/OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin is used for input undervoltage  
and overvoltage sensing and protection.  
ꢈꢉ ꢊꢋꢁ ꢘeꢔ  
A 4 Mresistor is tied between the high-voltage DC bulk capacitor  
after the bridge (or to the AC side of the bridge rectifier for fast AC  
reset) and the UNDER/OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin to enable this  
functionality. This function can be disabled by shorting the UNDER/  
ꢖꢉ ꢆꢇꢒ ꢈꢍꢑꢒꢗꢓꢑꢔꢙ  
ꢈꢉ Dꢇeꢁꢔꢠꢒ ꢘe ꢜꢇꢔꢒꢎꢇꢚ  
ꢧꢔꢏ ꢇꢤ ꢊꢋꢔꢏꢁꢓꢋꢘꢑꢔꢙꢝ  
ꢈeꢗꢇꢔꢏꢋꢎꢟ ꢜꢇꢔꢒꢎꢇꢚ ꢨꢇꢏe  
At power-up, after the primary bypass capacitor is charged and the  
ILIM state is latched, and prior to switching, the state of the UNDER/  
OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin is checked to confirm that it is above the  
brown-in and below the overvoltage shutdown thresholds.  
Figure 7. Primary-Secondary Handshake Flowchart.  
In normal operation, if the UNDER/OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin current  
falls below the brown-out threshold and remains below brown-in for  
longer than tUV-, the controller enters auto-restart. Switching will only  
resume once the UNDER/OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin current is above  
the brown-in threshold.  
Primary-Secondary Handshake  
At start-up, the primary-side initially switches without any feedback  
information (this is very similar to the operation of a standard  
TOPSwitch™, TinySwitch™ or LinkSwitch™ controllers).  
In the event that the UNDER/OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin current is  
above the overvoltage threshold, the controller will also enter  
auto-restart. Again, switching will only resume once the UNDER/  
OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin current has returned to within its normal  
operating range.  
If no feedback signals are received during the auto-restart on-time  
(tAR), the primary goes into auto-restart mode. Under normal  
conditions, the secondary controller will power-up via the FORWARD  
pin or from the OUTPUT VOLTAGE pin and take over control. From  
this point onwards the secondary controls switching.  
The input line UV/OV function makes use of an internal high-voltage  
MOSFET on the UNDER/OVER INPUT VOLTAGE pin to reduce power  
consumption. If the cycle off-time tOFF is greater than 50 ms, the  
internal high-voltage MOSFET will disconnect the external 4 MΩ  
resistor from the internal IC to eliminate current drawn through the  
4 Mresistor. The line sensing function will activate again at the  
beginning of the next switching cycle.  
If the primary controller stops switching or does not respond to cycle  
requests from the secondary during normal operation (when the  
secondary has control), the handshake protocol is initiated to ensure  
that the secondary is ready to assume control once the primary  
begins to switch again. An additional handshake is also triggered if  
the secondary detects that the primary is providing more cycles than  
were requested.  
Rev. D 08/18  