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INN2024K-TL 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: INN2024K-TL
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文件页数/大小: 26 页 / 2416 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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The spark gap is best placed between output positive rail and one  
of the AC inputs directly. In this configuration a 5 mm spark gap is  
often sufficient to meet the creepage and clearance requirements of  
many applicable safety standards. This is less than the primary to  
secondary spacing because the voltage across spark gap does not  
exceed the peak of the AC input.  
Shield windings can also be used in conjunction with common  
mode filter inductors at input to achieve improved conducted and  
radiated EMI margins.  
5. Values of components of the RC snubber connected across the  
output SR MOSFET can help reduce high frequency radiated and  
conducted EMI.  
6. A π filter comprising of differential inductors and capacitors can  
be used in the input rectifier circuit to reduce low frequency  
differential EMI.  
7. A 1 mF ceramic capacitor when connected at the output of the  
power supply helps to reduce radiated EMI.  
Drain Node  
The drain switching node is the dominant noise generator. As such  
the components connected the drain node should be placed close to  
the IC and away from sensitive feedback circuits. The clamp circuit  
components should be located physically away from the PRIMARY  
BYPASS pin and associated circuit and trace lengths in this circuit  
should be minimized.  
Recommendations for Audible Noise Suppression  
The state machine used in the InnoSwitch-CH IC automatically  
adjusts the current limit so as to adjust the operating frequency at  
light load. This helps to eliminate audible noise that typically results  
from intermittent switching of the power supply at very light loads.  
The loop area of the loop comprising of the input rectifier filter  
capacitor, the primary winding and the InnoSwitch-CH IC primary-side  
MOSFET should be kept as small as possible.  
Figure 14 shows a design example for an InnoSwitch-CH IC based  
charger design. Considerations provided in this design are marked in  
the figure and are listed below:  
In case of audible noise from a power supply, following should be  
considered as guidelines for audible noise reduction:  
1. Ensure that the flyback transformers are dip varnished.  
2. Often the source of audible noise are ceramic capacitors. Check  
both the bias winding and primary-side clamp capacitors. To find  
the source substitute the clamp capacitor with a metalized film  
type and the bias with an electrolytic type. By far the most  
common source is the bias capacitor.  
3. If the noise is generated by the bias winding filter capacitor,  
generally, use of a capacitor of higher voltage rating will typically  
resolve the issue. If the circuit board layout and any physical  
enclosure size constraints, allow, an electrolytic capacitor should  
be used instead.  
Recommendations for EMI Reduction  
1. Appropriate component placement and small loop areas of the  
primary and secondary power circuits help minimize radiated and  
conducted EMI. Care should be taken to achieve a compact loop  
area for these loops.  
2. A small capacitor in parallel to the clamp diode on the primary  
side can help reduced radiated EMI.  
3. A resistor in series with the bias winding helps reduce radiated EMI.  
4. Common mode chokes are typically required at the input of the  
charger to sufficiently attenuate common mode noise. The same  
can be achieved by using shield windings on the transformer.  
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Figure 20. PCB Layout Guidelines. Bottom (Left Side), Top (Right Side).  
Rev. J 10/17  