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DPA426GN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DPA426GN
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内容描述: 高度集成DC -DC转换器IC用于以太网供电和电信应用 [Highly Integrated DC-DC Converter ICs for Power over Ethernet & Telecom Applications]
分类和应用: 转换器电信以太网
文件页数/大小: 34 页 / 2832 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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overloaded output exists, the feedback loop will close, providing  
external CONTROL pin current, before the CONTROL pin  
voltage has had a chance to discharge to the lower threshold  
voltage of approximately 4.8 V (internal supply undervoltage  
lockout threshold). When the externally fed current charges the  
CONTROL pin to the shunt regulator voltage of 5.8 V, current in  
excess of the consumption of the chip is shunted to SOURCE  
through resistor RE as shown in Figure 2. This current flowing  
through RE controls the duty cycle of the power MOSFET to  
provide closed loop regulation. The shunt regulator has a finite  
low output impedance ZC that sets the gain of the error amplifier  
when used in a primary feedback configuration. The dynamic  
impedance ZC of the CONTROL pin together with the external  
CONTROL pin capacitance sets the dominant pole for the  
control loop.  
Oscillator and Switching Frequency  
The internal oscillator linearly charges and discharges an  
internal capacitance between two voltage levels to create a  
sawtooth waveform for the pulse width modulator. The  
oscillator sets both the pulse width modulator latch and the  
current limit latch at the beginning of each cycle.  
The nominal switching frequency of 400 kHz was chosen to  
minimize the transformer size and to allow faster power supply  
loop response. The FREQUENCY pin, when shorted to the  
CONTROL pin, lowers the switching frequency to 300 kHz,  
which may be preferable in some applications such as those  
employing secondary synchronous rectification. Otherwise, the  
FREQUENCY pin should be connected to the SOURCE pin for  
the default 400 kHz.  
Pulse Width Modulator and Maximum Duty Cycle  
When a fault condition such as an open loop or overloaded  
output prevents the flow of an external current into the CONTROL  
pin, the capacitor on the CONTROL pin discharges towards 4.8  
V. At 4.8 V auto-restart is activated which turns the output  
MOSFET off and puts the control circuitry in a low current  
standby mode. The high-voltage current source turns on and  
charges the external capacitance again. A hysteretic internal  
supply undervoltage comparator keeps VC within a window of  
typically 4.8 V to 5.8 V by turning the high-voltage current  
source on and off as shown in Figure 5. The auto-restart circuit  
has a divide-by-8 counter that prevents the output MOSFET  
from turning on again until eight discharge/charge cycles have  
elapsed. This is accomplished by enabling the output MOSFET  
only when the divide-by-8 counter reaches full count (S7). The  
counter effectively limits DPA-Switch power dissipation as well  
as the maximum power delivered to the power supply output by  
reducing the auto-restart duty cycle to typically 4%. Auto-  
restart mode continues until output voltage regulation is again  
achieved through closure of the feedback loop.  
The pulse width modulator implements voltage mode control by  
driving the output MOSFET with a duty cycle inversely  
proportional to the current into the CONTROL pin that is in  
excess of the internal supply current of the chip (see Figure 4).  
The excess current is the feedback error signal that appears  
across RE (see Figure 2). This signal is filtered by an RC network  
with a typical corner frequency of 30 kHz to reduce the effect of  
switching noise in the chip supply current generated by the  
MOSFET gate driver. The filtered error signal is compared with  
the internal oscillator sawtooth waveform to generate the duty  
cycle waveform. As the control current increases, the duty cycle  
decreases. A clock signal from the oscillator sets a latch that  
turns on the output MOSFET. The pulse width modulator resets  
the latch, turning off the output MOSFET. Note that a minimum  
current must be driven into the CONTROL pin before the duty  
cycle begins to change.  
0 V  
S7 S0  
S1 S2  
5.8 V  
4.8 V  
0 V  
0 V  
0 V  
Note: S0 through S7 are the output states of the auto-restart counter  
Figure 5. Typical Waveforms for (1) Power Up, (2) Normal Operation, (3) Auto-restart and (4) Power Down.  
Rev. T 12/12  