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DPA426G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: DPA426G
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内容描述: 高度集成DC -DC转换器IC用于以太网供电和电信应用 [Highly Integrated DC-DC Converter ICs for Power over Ethernet & Telecom Applications]
分类和应用: 转换器电信以太网
文件页数/大小: 34 页 / 2832 K
品牌: POWERINT [ Power Integrations ]
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DPA-Switch Family Functional Description  
DPA-Switch is an integrated switched mode power supply chip  
that converts a current at the control input to a duty cycle at the  
open drain output of a high-voltage power MOSFET. During  
normal operation the duty cycle of the power MOSFET  
decreases linearly with increasing CONTROL pin current as  
shown in Figure 4. A patented high-voltage CMOS technology  
allows both the high-voltage power MOSFET and all the low  
voltage control circuitry to be cost effectively integrated onto a  
single monolithic chip.  
Slope = PWM Gain  
< I  
C (SKIP)  
In addition to the standard TOPSwitch features, such as the  
high-voltage start-up, the cycle-by-cycle current limiting, loop  
compensation circuitry, auto-restart and thermal shutdown,  
DPA-Switch also offers many advanced features that reduce  
system cost and increase power supply performance and  
design flexibility. Following is a summary of the advanced  
= 115 µA  
IC (mA)  
Figure 4. Relationship of Duty Cycle to CONTROL Pin Current.  
1. A fully integrated 5 ms soft-start limits peak currents and  
voltages during start-up and reduces or eliminates output  
overshoot in most applications.  
2. A 75% maximum duty cycle (DCMAX) together with the line  
feed-forward with DCMAX reduction feature makes  
DPA-Switch well suited for both flyback and forward  
3. High switching frequency (400 kHz/300 kHz, pin selectable)  
allows the use of smaller size transformers and offers high  
bandwidth for power supply control loop.  
4. Cycle skipping operation at light load minimizes standby  
power consumption (typically <10 mA input current).  
5. Line undervoltage ensures glitch free operations at both  
power-up and power-down and is tightly toleranced over  
process and temperature to meet system level requirements  
common in DC to DC converters (e.g. ETSI).  
addition, remote ON/OFF may be implemented through either  
depending on the polarity of the logic signal available as well as  
other system specific considerations. Shorting both the LINE-  
SENSE and the EXTERNAL CURRENT LIMIT pins to the  
SOURCE pin disables line OV, line UV, line feed-forward with  
DCMAX reduction, external current limit, remote ON/OFF and  
synchronization. The FREQUENCY pin sets the switching  
frequency to 400 kHz if connected to the SOURCE pin, or  
300 kHz if connected to the CONTROL pin. This pin should not  
be left open. Please refer to “Using Feature Pins” section for  
detailed information regarding the proper use of those pins.  
CONTROL (C) Pin Operation  
The CONTROL pin is a low impedance node that is capable of  
receiving a combined supply and feedback current. During  
normal operation, a shunt regulator is used to separate the  
feedback signal from the supply current. CONTROL pin voltage  
VC is the supply voltage for the control circuitry including the  
MOSFET gate driver. An external bypass capacitor closely  
connected between the CONTROL and SOURCE pins is  
required to supply the instantaneous gate drive current. The  
total amount of capacitance connected to this pin also sets the  
auto-restart timing as well as control loop compensation.  
6. Line overvoltage protects DPA-Switch against excessive  
input voltage and line surge.  
7. External current limit adjustment allows the setting of the  
current limit externally to a lower level near the operating  
peak current and, if desired, further adjusts the level gradu-  
ally as line voltage rises. This makes possible an ideal  
implementation of overload power limiting.  
8. Synchronization function allows the synchronization of  
DPA-Switch operation to an external lower frequency.  
9. Remote ON/OFF feature permits DPA-Switch based power  
supplies to be easily switched on/off using logic signals.  
Maximum input current consumption is 2 mA in remote OFF.  
10. Hysteretic over-temperature shutdown provides automatic  
recovery from thermal fault.  
When the DC input voltage is applied to the DRAIN pin during  
start-up, the MOSFET is initially off, and the CONTROL pin  
capacitor is charged through the switched high-voltage current  
source connected internally between the DRAIN and  
CONTROL pins. When the CONTROL pin voltage VC reaches  
approximately 5.8 V, the control circuitry is activated and the  
soft-start begins. The soft-start circuit gradually increases the  
duty cycle of the MOSFET from zero to the maximum value  
over approximately 5 ms. The high-voltage current source is  
turned off at the end of the soft-start. If no external feedback/  
supply current is fed into the CONTROL pin by the end of the  
soft-start, the CONTROL pin will start discharging in response  
to the supply current drawn by the control circuitry and the gate  
current of the switching MOSFET driver. If the power supply is  
designed properly, and no fault condition such as open loop or  
11. Tight absolute tolerances and small temperature variations  
on switching frequency, current limit, and undervoltage lock  
out threshold (UV).  
and FREQUENCY (F), are used to implement all the pin -  
controllable features. A resistor from the LINE-SENSE pin to DC  
input bus implements line UV, line OV and line feed-forward with  
DCMAX reduction. A resistor from the EXTERNAL CURRENT  
LIMIT pin to the SOURCE pin sets current limit externally. In  
Rev. T 12/12  