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PS0020 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PS0020
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内容描述: 低Iq同步升压转换器,具有输出断接 [Low Iq Synchronous Boost Converter with Output Disconnect]
分类和应用: 转换器升压转换器
文件页数/大小: 10 页 / 164 K
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Light Load Operation  
Enable Input  
The PS0020 provides improved light load efficiency.  
The internal zero current comparator monitors the  
inductor current to the load and shuts off the PMOS  
switch once this current reduces to some low value  
(50mA, typically). This prevents the inductor  
current from reversing its polarity, avoiding back-  
charging and thus improving efficiency at light load.  
At that time, both the NMOS and PMOS switches  
remain off. However, normal operation starts again  
when the output voltage falls below the regulation  
point. The IC automatically skips pulses at light  
load, providing better efficiency.  
The PS0020 features an active-high CMOS input  
enable pin (SHUTB) that allows on/off control of the  
regulator. When SHUTB=Low, shutdown of the chip  
occurs and at that time almost no quiescent current  
(<1μA) flows. Output capacitor can be completely  
discharged through the load or the feedback  
resistors for real output shut down. A discharge  
switch is internally connected between Vin and SW.  
The Enable (SHUTB) input threshold is TTL/CMOS  
compatible. Connect SHUTB to Vin for normal  
Track Mode  
Anti-ringing Control  
The PS0020 is in track mode when Vin is greater  
than the output voltage regulation point (in  
abnormal boost converter operation). In track  
mode, the regulator runs at fixed start-up oscillator  
frequency. The start-up oscillator runs freely until  
Vout exceeds Vin. When Vout falls below Vin, the  
start-up oscillator is enabled again. Thus in track  
mode, normal loop control of PWM operation  
remains off, rather the regulator runs by  
intermittent oscillator operation.  
When inductor current goes to zero, there arises a  
high frequency ringing of SW pin. To prevent this  
phenomenon, a 100Ω discharge switch is provided  
between SW and VIN, so that this high frequency  
ringing is damped out.  
Under Voltage Lockout  
When the supply goes too low (below 1.8V typ),  
the PS0020 produces an internal UVLO (under  
voltage lockout) signal that disables the normal  
PWM operation and enables the start-up oscillator  
to run at a fixed frequency. At that time, very few  
circuits are operational. When the oscillator raises  
the supply above 1.9V, UVLO signal is disabled and  
the normal PWM mode takes over the start-up  
oscillator operation. This mechanism protects the  
chip from producing false logic due to low input  
Version 1.1  
July 6, 2007  
© 2007 Power IC. All Rights Reserved.  