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3G3EV-AB007M 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 3G3EV-AB007M
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内容描述: [Compact Low-noise Inverter]
文件页数/大小: 89 页 / 692 K
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Preparing for Operation  
Chapter 4  
4-3-5 Setting Rated Motor Amperage  
Set the rated motor amperage in constant no. 31 (electronic thermal reference current)  
or with the “THR” indicator lit.  
4-3-6 Setting the Reference Frequency  
Set the frequency corresponding to the motor speed in constant no. 11 (frequency ref-  
erence 1) or with the “FREF” indicator lit.  
4-3-7 Operating the Inverter with the Digital Operator  
Press the RUN Key to rotate the motor in the forward direction. (If the PRGM indicator  
is lit in the constant item indicators section, press the Mode Key once to light the FREF  
indicator. If a red indicator in the stopped item indicators section is lit, the run command  
cannot be accepted.)  
Check that the motor rotates smoothly without making noise.  
Check that the direction of rotation is correct.  
4-3-8 Checking Output Frequency and Amperage  
Light the FOUT indicator (output frequency monitor) and make sure that the displayed  
value matches the reference frequency.  
Light the IOUT indicator (output current monitor) and check for overcurrent.  
4-3-9 Checking Operation during Reverse Rotation  
Rotate the motor in the reverse direction and check the same items as above.  
4-3-10 Checking Operation with Mechanical System  
Press the STOP/RESET Key to stop the motor.  
Connect the mechanical system to the motor and check the same items as above.  
4-3-11 Checking Operation Performed by Controller  
Light the MODE indicator and set the actual operation mode.  
Operate the Inverter with the controller, check for noise resulting from mechanical res-  
onance, and check that the sequence of operations is correct.  