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ML9092-01TB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: ML9092-01TB
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内容描述: 与主要扫描仪和RAM LCD驱动器 [LCD Driver with Key Scanner and RAM]
分类和应用: 驱动器
文件页数/大小: 66 页 / 654 K
 浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第12页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第13页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第14页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第15页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第17页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第18页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第19页浏览型号ML9092-01TB的Datasheet PDF文件第20页  
OKI Semiconductor  
R0/C0 to R4/C4 (ML9092-01), R0 to R5 (ML9092-02/03), R0 to R4 (ML9092-04)  
Key switch scan signal output pins. During the scan operation, “L” level signals are output in the order of R0/C0,  
R1/C1, ..., R4/C4 (ML9092-01) or R0, R1, ..., R5 (ML9092-02/03) or R0, R1, ..., R4 (ML9092-04). (Refer to the  
description under the heading “Key scan” for details.) For the ML9092-01, R0 to R4 can be used as the output  
ports for the general-purpose port C depending on the input signal to the KPS pin.  
C0/D0 to C4/D4 (ML9092-01), C0 to C3 (ML9092-02/03), C0 to C4 (ML9092-04)  
Input pins that detect the key switch status. Pull-up resistors and a Schmitt circuit are internally connected to these  
pins. Assemble a key matrix between these pins and the R0/C0 to R4/C4 (ML9092-01) or R0 to R5  
(ML9092-02/03) or R0 to R4 (ML9092-04) pins. For the ML9092-01, C0 to C4 can be used as the output ports for  
the general-purpose port D depending on the input signal to the KPS pin.  
Input pin that selects whether the R0/C0 to R4/C4 pins and C0/D0 to C4/D4 pins are used to detect the key switch  
status or whether they are used as the output pins for the general-purpose ports C and D. When this pin is pulled to  
a “H” level, the R0/C0 to R4/C4 pins and C0/D0 to C4/D4 pins function as pins that detect the key switch status.  
When this pin is pulled to a “L” level, it functions as the output pin for the general-purpose ports C and D. This pin  
must be fixed at either a “H” or “L” level.  
This pin is provided only for the ML9092-01.  
A, B  
Input pins for encoder format rotary switches. A Schmitt circuit is internally connected to these pins. When  
turning the rotary switch clockwise, input to the A pin a signal more advancing in phase than the B pin. When  
turning the rotary switch counterclockwise, input to the B pin a signal more advancing in phase than the A pin.  
General-purpose port A output pin. This pin can output a current of –15 mA. If this pin is used to drive an LED,  
insert an external current limiting resistor in series with the LED. If this pin is not used, leave it unconnected  
PB0 to PB2  
Port B pins, which are used for PWM outputs. These pins are provided for the ML9092-01/04. Any pins not to be  
used should be left unconnected (open).  
SEG1 to SEG60(56)  
Segment signal output pins for LCD driving. Any pins not to be used should be left unconnected (open). For the  
ML9092-01, only SEG1 to SEG56 apply.  
COM1 to COM10  
Common signal output pins for LCD driving. Any pins not to be used should be left unconnected (open).  
Logic power supply connection pin.  
Power supply GND connection pin.  
Voltage doubler reference voltage input pin. A voltage twice that which is input to this pin is output to the VOUT  
pin. When the voltage doubler is not used, connect this pin to GND.  
This pin is provided for the ML9092-01/02.  