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LM2594M-ADJ 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LM2594M-ADJ
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内容描述: SIMPLE SWITCHER系列电源转换器150千赫0.5A降压稳压器 [SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter 150 kHz 0.5A Step-Down Voltage Regulator]
分类和应用: 转换器稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器光电二极管PC
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 742 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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heat also depends on the size, quantity and spacing of other  
components on the board. Furthermore, some of these com-  
ponents such as the catch diode will add heat to the PC  
board and the heat can vary as the input voltage changes.  
For the inductor, depending on the physical size, type of core  
material and the DC resistance, it could either act as a heat  
sink taking heat away from the board, or it could add heat to  
the board.  
Application Information (Continued)  
These magnetic lines of flux will induce a voltage into any  
wire or PC board copper trace that comes within the induc-  
tor’s magnetic field. The strength of the magnetic field, the  
orientation and location of the PC copper trace to the mag-  
netic field, and the distance between the copper trace and  
the inductor, determine the amount of voltage generated in  
the copper trace. Another way of looking at this inductive  
coupling is to consider the PC board copper trace as one  
turn of a transformer (secondary) with the inductor winding  
as the primary. Many millivolts can be generated in a copper  
trace located near an open core inductor which can cause  
stability problems or high output ripple voltage problems.  
If unstable operation is seen, and an open core inductor is  
used, it’s possible that the location of the inductor with re-  
spect to other PC traces may be the problem. To determine  
if this is the problem, temporarily raise the inductor away  
from the board by several inches and then check circuit op-  
eration. If the circuit now operates correctly, then the mag-  
netic flux from the open core inductor is causing the problem.  
Substituting a closed core inductor such as a torroid or  
E-core will correct the problem, or re-arranging the PC layout  
may be necessary. Magnetic flux cutting the IC device  
ground trace, feedback trace, or the positive or negative  
traces of the output capacitor should be minimized.  
Sometimes, locating a trace directly beneath a bobbin in-  
ductor will provide good results, provided it is exactly in the  
center of the inductor (because the induced voltages cancel  
themselves out), but if it is off center one direction or the  
other, then problems could arise. If flux problems are  
present, even the direction of the inductor winding can make  
a difference in some circuits.  
Circuit Data for Temperature Rise Curve (DIP-8)  
Capacitors Through hole electrolytic  
Through hole, Schott, 100 µH  
Through hole, 1A 40V, Schottky  
PC board  
4 square inches single sided 2 oz. copper  
This discussion on open core inductors is not to frighten the  
user, but to alert the user on what kind of problems to watch  
out for when using them. Open core bobbin or “stick” induc-  
tors are an inexpensive, simple way of making a compact ef-  
ficient inductor, and they are used by the millions in many dif-  
ferent applications.  
FIGURE 19. Junction Temperature Rise, DIP-8  
The LM2594/LM2594HV is available in two packages, an  
8-pin through hole DIP (N) and an 8-pin surface mount SO-8  
(M). Both packages are molded plastic with a copper lead  
frame. When the package is soldered to the PC board, the  
copper and the board are the heat sink for the LM2594 and  
the other heat producing components.  
For best thermal performance, wide copper traces should be  
used and all ground and unused pins should be soldered to  
generous amounts of printed circuit board copper, such as a  
ground plane (one exception to this is the output (switch) pin,  
which should not have large areas of copper). Large areas of  
copper provide the best transfer of heat (lower thermal resis-  
tance) to the surrounding air, and even double-sided or mul-  
tilayer boards provide a better heat path to the surrounding  
air. Unless power levels are small, sockets are not recom-  
mended because of the added thermal resistance it adds  
and the resultant higher junction temperatures.  
Circuit Data for Temperature Rise Curve  
(Surface Mount)  
Capacitors Surface mount tantalum, molded “D” size  
Package thermal resistance and junction temperature rise  
numbers are all approximate, and there are many factors  
that will affect the junction temperature. Some of these fac-  
tors include board size, shape, thickness, position, location,  
and even board temperature. Other factors are, trace width,  
printed circuit copper area, copper thickness, single- or  
double-sided, multilayer board, and the amount of solder on  
the board. The effectiveness of the PC board to dissipate  
Surface mount, Coilcraft DO33, 100 µH  
Surface mount, 1A 40V, Schottky  
PC board  
4 square inches single sided 2 oz. copper  
FIGURE 20. Junction Temperature Rise, SO-8  