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LM2575T-12 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LM2575T-12
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内容描述: SIMPLE SWITCHER 1A降压稳压器 [SIMPLE SWITCHER 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator]
分类和应用: 稳压器
文件页数/大小: 27 页 / 718 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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pletely contained within the core, it generates more electro-  
magnetic interference (EMI). This EMI can cause problems  
in sensitive circuits, or can give incorrect scope readings  
because of induced voltages in the scope probe.  
Application Hints  
To maintain stability, the regulator input pin must be by-  
passed with at least a 47 µF electrolytic capacitor. The  
capacitor’s leads must be kept short, and located near the  
The inductors listed in the selection chart include ferrite pot  
core construction for AIE, powdered iron toroid for Pulse  
Engineering, and ferrite bobbin core for Renco.  
An inductor should not be operated beyond its maximum  
rated current because it may saturate. When an inductor  
begins to saturate, the inductance decreases rapidly and the  
inductor begins to look mainly resistive (the DC resistance of  
the winding). This will cause the switch current to rise very  
rapidly. Different inductor types have different saturation  
characteristics, and this should be kept in mind when select-  
ing an inductor.  
If the operating temperature range includes temperatures  
below −25˚C, the input capacitor value may need to be  
larger. With most electrolytic capacitors, the capacitance  
value decreases and the ESR increases with lower tempera-  
tures and age. Paralleling a ceramic or solid tantalum ca-  
pacitor will increase the regulator stability at cold tempera-  
tures. For maximum capacitor operating lifetime, the  
capacitor’s RMS ripple current rating should be greater than  
The inductor manufacturer’s data sheets include current and  
energy limits to avoid inductor saturation.  
When the switcher is operating in the continuous mode, the  
inductor current waveform ranges from a triangular to a  
sawtooth type of waveform (depending on the input voltage).  
For a given input voltage and output voltage, the peak-to-  
peak amplitude of this inductor current waveform remains  
constant. As the load current rises or falls, the entire saw-  
tooth current waveform also rises or falls. The average DC  
value of this waveform is equal to the DC load current (in the  
buck regulator configuration).  
All switching regulators have two basic modes of operation:  
continuous and discontinuous. The difference between the  
two types relates to the inductor current, whether it is flowing  
continuously, or if it drops to zero for a period of time in the  
normal switching cycle. Each mode has distinctively different  
operating characteristics, which can affect the regulator per-  
formance and requirements.  
If the load current drops to a low enough level, the bottom of  
the sawtooth current waveform will reach zero, and the  
switcher will change to a discontinuous mode of operation.  
This is a perfectly acceptable mode of operation. Any buck  
switching regulator (no matter how large the inductor value  
is) will be forced to run discontinuous if the load current is  
light enough.  
The LM2575 (or any of the Simple Switcher family) can be  
used for both continuous and discontinuous modes of opera-  
An output capacitor is required to filter the output voltage and  
is needed for loop stability. The capacitor should be located  
near the LM2575 using short pc board traces. Standard  
aluminum electrolytics are usually adequate, but low ESR  
types are recommended for low output ripple voltage and  
good stability. The ESR of a capacitor depends on many  
factors, some which are: the value, the voltage rating, physi-  
cal size and the type of construction. In general, low value or  
low voltage (less than 12V) electrolytic capacitors usually  
have higher ESR numbers.  
The inductor value selection guides in Figure 3 through  
Figure 7 were designed for buck regulator designs of the  
continuous inductor current type. When using inductor val-  
ues shown in the inductor selection guide, the peak-to-peak  
inductor ripple current will be approximately 20% to 30% of  
the maximum DC current. With relatively heavy load cur-  
rents, the circuit operates in the continuous mode (inductor  
current always flowing), but under light load conditions, the  
circuit will be forced to the discontinuous mode (inductor  
current falls to zero for a period of time). This discontinuous  
mode of operation is perfectly acceptable. For light loads  
(less than approximately 200 mA) it may be desirable to  
operate the regulator in the discontinuous mode, primarily  
because of the lower inductor values required for the discon-  
tinuous mode.  
The amount of output ripple voltage is primarily a function of  
the ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) of the output ca-  
pacitor and the amplitude of the inductor ripple current  
(IIND). See the section on inductor ripple current in Applica-  
tion Hints.  
The lower capacitor values (220 µF–680 µF) will allow typi-  
cally 50 mV to 150 mV of output ripple voltage, while larger-  
value capacitors will reduce the ripple to approximately 20  
mV to 50 mV.  
The selection guide chooses inductor values suitable for  
continuous mode operation, but if the inductor value chosen  
is prohibitively high, the designer should investigate the  
possibility of discontinuous operation. The computer design  
software Switchers Made Simple will provide all component  
values for discontinuous (as well as continuous) mode of  
Output Ripple Voltage = (IIND) (ESR of COUT  
To further reduce the output ripple voltage, several standard  
electrolytic capacitors may be paralleled, or a higher-grade  
capacitor may be used. Such capacitors are often called  
“high-frequency,” “low-inductance,” or “low-ESR.” These will  
reduce the output ripple to 10 mV or 20 mV. However, when  
operating in the continuous mode, reducing the ESR below  
0.05can cause instability in the regulator.  
Inductors are available in different styles such as pot core,  
toriod, E-frame, bobbin core, etc., as well as different core  
materials, such as ferrites and powdered iron. The least  
expensive, the bobbin core type, consists of wire wrapped  
on a ferrite rod core. This type of construction makes for an  
inexpensive inductor, but since the magnetic flux is not com-  