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30151-33 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 30151-33
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内容描述: 的Geode ™ GXM处理器与MMX支持集成的x86解决方案 [Geode⑩ GXm Processor Integrated x86 Solution with MMX Support]
文件页数/大小: 244 页 / 4221 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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Virtual Subsystem Architecture (Continued)  
5.2.2 Video Refresh  
fetch successive scan lines from the glyph table so as to  
draw proper characters. Graphics modes are somewhat  
simpler. In CGA-compatible mode, a DWORD provides  
eight pixels. The first four pixels come from planes 0 and  
2; each 4-bit pixel gets bits [3:2] from plane 2, and bits  
[1:0] from plane 0. The remaining four pixels come from  
planes 1 and 3. The EGA-compatible mode also gets  
eight pixels from a DWORD, but each pixel gets one bit  
from each plane, with plane 3 providing bit 3. Finally,  
VGA-compatible mode gets four pixels from each  
DWORD; plane 0 provides the first pixel, plane 1 the next,  
and so on. The 8 BPP mode uses an option to provide  
every pixel for two dot clocks, thus allowing the refresh  
pipe to keep up (it only increments on character clocks)  
and meaning that the 320-pixel-wide mode 13h really has  
640 visible pixels per line. The VGA color model is  
unusual. The ATTR contains a 16-entry color palette with  
6 bits per entry. Except for 8 BPP modes, all VGA configu-  
rations drive four bits of pixel data into the palette, which  
produces a 6-bit result. Based on various control regis-  
ters, this value is then combined with other register con-  
tents to produce an 8-bit index into the DAC. There is a  
ColorPlaneEnable register to mask bits out of the pixel  
data before it goes to the palette; this is used to emulate  
four-color CGA modes by ignoring the top two bits of each  
pixel. In 8 BPP modes, the palette is bypassed and the  
pixel data goes directly to the DAC  
VGA refresh is controlled by two units: the CRT controller  
(CRTC) and the attribute controller (ATTR). The CRTC  
provides refresh addresses and video control; the ATTR  
provides the refresh datapath, including pixel formatting  
and internal palette lookup.  
The VGA back end contains two basic clocks: the dot  
clock (or pixel clock) and the character clock. The Clock-  
Select field of the Miscellaneous Output register selects a  
“master clock” of either 25 MHz or 28 MHz. This master  
clock, optionally divided by two, drives the dot clock. The  
character clock is simply the dot clock divided by eight or  
The VGA supports four basic pixel formats. Using text for-  
mat, the VGA interprets frame buffer values as ASCII  
characters, foreground/background attributes, and font  
data. The other three formats are all “graphics modes”,  
known as APA (All Points Addressable) modes. These for-  
mats could be called CGA-compatible (odd/even four  
bits/pixel), EGA-compatible (4-plane four bits/pixel), and  
VGA-compatible (pixel-per-byte eight bits/pixel). The for-  
mat is chosen by the ShiftRegister field of the Graphics  
Controller Mode register.  
The refresh address pipe is an integral part of the CRTC,  
and has many configuration options. Refresh can begin at  
any frame buffer address. The display width and the frame  
buffer pitch (scan-line delta) are set separately. Multiple  
scan lines can be refreshed from the same frame buffer  
addresses. The LineCompare register causes the refresh  
address to be reset to zero at a particular scan line, pro-  
viding support for vertical split-screen.  
5.2.3 GXm VGA Hardware  
The GXm processor core contains hardware to detect  
VGA accesses and generate SMI interrupts. The graphics  
pipeline contains hardware to detect and process reads  
and writes to VGA memory. The VGA memory on the  
GXm processor is partitioned from system memory. The  
GXm processor has the following hardware components  
to assist the VGA emulation software.  
Within the context of a single scan line, the refresh  
address increments by one on every character clock.  
Before being presented to the frame buffer, refresh  
addresses can be shifted by 0, 1, or 2 bits to the left.  
These options are often mis-named Byte, Word, and Dou-  
bleword modes. Using this shifter, the refresh unit can be  
programmed to skip one out of two or three out of four  
DWORDs of refresh data. As an example of the utility of  
this function, consider Chain 4 mode, described earlier.  
Pixels written in Chain 4 mode occupy one out of every  
four DWORDs in the frame buffer. If the refresh path is put  
into “Doubleword” mode, the refresh will come only from  
those DWORDs writable in Chain 4. This is how VGA  
mode 13h works.  
SMI Generation  
VGA Range Detection  
VGA Sequencer  
VGA Write/Read Path  
VGA Address Generator  
VGA Memory SMI Generation  
VGA emulation software is notified of VGA memory  
accesses by an SMI generated in dedicated circuitry in  
the processor core that detects and traps memory  
accesses. The SMI generation hardware for VGA memory  
addresses is in the second stage of instruction decoding  
on the processor core. This is the earliest stage of instruc-  
tion decode where virtual addresses have been translated  
to physical addresses. Trapping after the execution stage  
is impractical, because memory write buffering will allow  
subsequent instructions to execute.  
In text mode, the ATTR has a lot of work to do. At each  
character clock, it pulls a DWORD of data out of the frame  
buffer. In that DWORD, plane 0 contains the ASCII char-  
acter code, and plane 1 contains an attribute byte. The  
ATTR uses plane 0 to generate a font lookup address and  
read another DWORD. In plane 2, this DWORD contains a  
bit-per-pixel representation of one scan line in the appro-  
priate character glyph. The ATTR transforms these bits  
into eight pixels, obtaining foreground and background  
colors from the attribute byte. The CRTC must refresh  
from the same memory addresses for all scan lines that  
make up a character row; within that row, the ATTR must  
The VGA emulation code requires the SMI to be gener-  
ated immediately when a VGA access occurs. The SMI  
generation hardware can optionally exclude areas of VGA  
memory, based on a 32-bit register which has a control bit  
for each 2 KB region of the VGA memory window. The  
Revision 3.1  