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30141-23 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 30141-23
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内容描述: 的Geode ™ GXM处理器与MMX支持集成的x86解决方案 [Geode⑩ GXm Processor Integrated x86 Solution with MMX Support]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路微处理器
文件页数/大小: 244 页 / 4221 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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Processor Programming (Continued)  
3.13.3 Privilege Level Transfers Gates  
A task’s CPL can be changed only through intersegment  
control transfers using gates or task switches to a code  
segment with a different privilege level. Control transfers  
result from exception and interrupt servicing and from  
execution of the CALL, JMP, INT, IRET and RET instruc-  
Gate descriptors described in Section 3.7.5 “Gate  
Descriptors” on page 69, provide protection for privilege  
transfers among executable segments. Gates are used to  
transition to routines of the same or a more privileged  
level. Call gates, interrupt gates and trap gates are used for  
privilege transfers within a task. Task gates are used to  
transfer between tasks.  
There are five types of control transfers that are summa-  
rized in Table 3-38. Control transfers can be made only  
when the operation causing the control transfer references  
the correct descriptor type. Any violation of these descriptor  
usage rules causes a general protection fault.  
Gates conform to the standard rules of privilege. In other  
words, gates can be accessed by a task if the effective  
privilege level (EPL) is the same or more privileged than  
the gate descriptor’s privilege level (DPL).  
Any control transfer that changes the CPL within a task  
results in a change of stack. The initial values for the stack  
segment (SS) and stack pointer (ESP) for privilege levels  
0, 1, and 2 are stored in the TSS. During a JMP or CALL  
control transfer, the SS and ESP are loaded with the new  
stack pointer and the previous stack pointer is saved on  
the new stack. When returning to the original privilege  
level, the RET or IRET instruction restores the SS and  
ESP of the less-privileged stack.  
3.13.4 Initialization and Transition to Protected Mode  
The GXm processor core switches to real mode immedi-  
ately after RESET. While operating in real mode, the sys-  
tem tables and registers should be initialized. The GDTR  
and IDTR must point to a valid GDT and IDT, respectively. The  
size of the IDT should be at least 256 bytes, and the GDT  
must contain descriptors that describe the initial code and  
data segments.  
The processor can be placed in protected mode by setting  
the PE bit (CR0 register bit 0). After enabling protected  
mode, the CS register should be loaded and the instruc-  
tion decode queue should be flushed by executing an  
intersegment JMP. Finally, all data segment registers  
should be initialized with appropriate selector values.  
Table 3-38. Descriptor Types Used for Control Transfer  
Type of Control Transfer  
Operation Types  
Intersegment within the same privilege  
Code Segment  
GDT or LDT  
Intersegment to the same or a more  
privileged level. Interrupt within task  
(could change CPL level).  
Gate Call  
GDT or LDT  
Interrupt Instruction, Exception,  
External Interrupt  
Trap or Interrupt Gate IDT  
Intersegment to a less privileged level  
(changes task CPL).  
Code Segment  
GDT or LDT  
Task Switch via TSS  
Task State Segment  
Task Gate  
Task Switch via Task Gate  
GDT or LDT  
IRET**, Interrupt Instruction,  
Exception, External Interrupt  
Task Gate  
Note: *NT = 0 (Nested Task bit in EFLAGS, bit 14)  
**NT =1 (Nested Task bit in EFLAGS, bit 14)  
Revision 3.1  