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30044-23 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 30044-23
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内容描述: 的Geode ™ GXM处理器与MMX支持集成的x86解决方案 [Geode⑩ GXm Processor Integrated x86 Solution with MMX Support]
分类和应用: 微控制器和处理器外围集成电路微处理器
文件页数/大小: 244 页 / 4221 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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Instruction Set (Continued)  
Table 9-33. Extended MMX Instruction Set Summary  
MMX Instructions  
Operation and Clock Count  
PADDSIW Packed Add Signed Word with Saturation Using Implied Destination  
MMX Register plus MMX Register to Implied Register 0F51 [11 mm1 mm2] Sum signed packed word from MMX register/memory --->  
signed packed word in MMX register, saturate, and write result  
Memory plus MMX Register to Implied Register  
0F51 [mod mm r/m]  
---> implied register  
PAVEB Packed Average Byte  
MMX Register 2 with MMX Register 1  
Memory with MMX Register  
0F50 [11 mm1 mm2] Average packed byte from the MMX register/memory with  
packed byte in the MMX register. Result is placed in the MMX  
0F50 [mod mm r/m]  
PDISTIB Packed Distance and Accumulate with Implied Register  
Memory, MMX Register to Implied Register  
0F54 [mod mm r/m]  
Find absolute value of difference between packed byte in  
memory and packed byte in the MMX register. Using unsigned  
saturation, accumulate with value in implied destination regis-  
PMACHRIW Packed Multiply and Accumulate with Rounding  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F5E[mod mm r/m]  
Multiply the packed word in the MMX register by the packed  
word in memory. Sum the 32-bit results pairwise. Accumulate  
the result with the packed signed word in the implied destina-  
tion register.  
PMAGW Packed Magnitude  
MMX Register 2 to MMX Register 1  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F52 [11 mm1 mm2] Set the destination equal ---> the packed word with the largest  
magnitude, between the packed word in the MMX regis-  
0F52 [mod mm r/m]  
ter/memory and the MMX register.  
PMULHRIW Packed Multiply High with Rounding, Implied Destination  
MMX Register 2 to MMX Register1  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F5D [11 mm1 mm2] Packed multiply high with rounding and store bits 30 - 15 in  
implied register.  
0F5D [mod mm r/m]  
PMULHRW Packed Multiply High with Rounding  
MMX Register 2 to MMX Register 1  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F59 [11 mm1 mm2] Multiply the signed packed word in the MMX register/memory  
with the signed packed word in the MMX register. Round with  
0F59 [mod mm r/m]  
1/2 bit 15, and store bits 30 - 15 of result in the MMX register.  
PMVGEZB Packed Conditional Move If Greater Than or Equal to Zero  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F5C [mod mm r/m] Conditionally move packed byte from memory ---> packed byte  
in the MMX register if packed byte in implied MMX register is  
greater than or equal ---> zero.  
PMVLZB Packed Conditional Move If Less Than Zero  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F5B [mod mm r/m] Conditionally move packed byte from memory ---> packed byte  
in the MMX register if packed byte in implied MMX register is  
less than zero.  
PMVNZB Packed Conditional Move If Not Zero  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F5A [mod mm r/m] Conditionally move packed byte from memory ---> packed byte  
in the MMX register if packed byte in implied MMX register is  
not zero.  
PMVZB Packed Conditional Move If Zero  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F58 [mod mm r/m]  
Conditionally move packed byte from memory ---> packed byte  
in the MMX register if packed byte in implied the MMX register  
is zero.  
PSUBSIW Packed Subtracted with Saturation Using Implied Destination  
MMX Register 2 to MMX Register 1  
Memory to MMX Register  
0F55 [11 mm1 mm2] Subtract signed packed word in the MMX register/memory from  
signed packed word in the MMX register, saturate, and write  
0F55 [mod mm r/m]  
result ---> implied register.  
Revision 3.1  