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NI6070E 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: NI6070E
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内容描述: 全功能的E系列多功能DAQ 12位或16位,高达1.25 MS / s的64个模拟输入 [Full-Featured E Series Multifunction DAQ 12 or 16-Bit, up to 1.25 MS/s, up to 64 Analog Inputs]
文件页数/大小: 11 页 / 257 K
品牌: NI [ National Instruments ]
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Full-Featured E Series Multifunction DAQ  
12 or 16-Bit, up to 1.25 MS/s, up to 64 Analog Inputs  
NI MITE – ASIC designed to optimize data transfer for multiple High-Performance Driver Engine – Software-timed single-point  
simultaneous operations using bus mastering with three scatter- input (typically used in control loops) with NI-DAQ achieves  
gather DMA channels for maximum performance of concurrent rates of up to 50 kHz. NI-DAQ also delivers maximum I/O  
I/O operations.  
system throughput with a multithreaded driver.  
NI PGIA – Measurement and instrument class amplifier that Test Panels – With NI-DAQ, you can test all of your device  
guarantees settling times at all gains. Typical commercial off-the- functionality before you begin development.  
shelf amplifier components do not meet the settling time  
requirements for high-gain measurement applications.  
Scaled Channels – Easily scale your voltage data into the proper  
engineering units using the NI-DAQ Measurement Ready virtual  
PFI Lines – Eight programmable function input (PFI) lines that channels by choosing from a list of common sensors and signals or  
can be used for software-controlled routing of interboard and creating your own custom scale.  
intraboard digital and timing signals.  
LabVIEW Integration – All NI-DAQ functions use the waveform data  
RTSI or PXI Trigger Bus – Used to share timing and control signals type, which carries acquired data and timing information directly  
between devices and synchronize operations.  
into more than 400 LabVIEW built-in analysis routines for display of  
results in engineering units on a graph.  
RSE Mode – In addition to differential and nonreferenced single-  
ended modes, NI full-featured E Series devices offer referenced Worldwide Support and Services  
single-ended (RSE) mode for use with floating signal sources in NI provides you with a wealth of resources to help you get your  
applications with channel counts higher than eight.  
application up and running more quickly, including:  
Onboard Temperature Sensor – Included for monitoring the Technical Support – Purchase of NI hardware or software gives you  
operating temperature of the device to ensure that it is operating access to application engineers all over the world as well as Web  
within the specified range.  
resources with more than 3,000 measurement examples and more  
than 9,000 KnowledgeBase entries. – ni.com/support  
Analog and Digital Triggering – Only full-featured E Series devices  
provide the ability to set a trigger based on the level of an analog NI Factory Installation Services (FIS) – Software and hardware  
signal, in addition to the ability to trigger off an edge of a installed in PXI and PXI/SCXI systems, tested and ready to  
digital signal.  
use – ni.com/advisor  
More Input Ranges – Up to 15 input ranges for optimal resolution, Calibration – Includes NIST-traceable basic calibration certificates,  
even for signals smaller than 50 mV.  
services for ANSI/NCSL-Z540 and periodic calibration –  
High-Performance, Easy-to-Use Driver Software  
NI-DAQ is the robust driver software that makes it easy to access the Extended Warranty  
– Meet project life-cycle requirements  
functionality of your data acquisition hardware, whether you are a and maintain optimal performance in a cost-effective way –  
beginning or advanced user. Helpful features include: ni.com/services  
Automatic Code Generation – DAQ Assistant is an interactive guide Data Acquisition Training – Instructor-led courses – ni.com/training  
that steps you through configuring, testing, and programming  
measurement tasks, and generating the necessary code automatically Professional Services – Feasibility, consulting, and integration  
for use in LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, or Measurement Studio.  
through our Alliance Partners – ni.com/alliance  
Cleaner Code Development – Basic and advanced software functions For more information on NI services and support,  
have been combined into one easy-to-use yet powerful set to help please visit ni.com/services  
you build cleaner code and move from basic to advanced  
applications without replacing functions.  
For information on device support in  
NI-DAQ 7, visit ni.com/dataacquisition  
200 National Instruments • Tel: (800) 433-3488 • Fax: (512) 683-9300 • info@ni.com • ni.com  