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778054-01 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 778054-01
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内容描述: 控制器区域网络( CAN )接口 [Controller Area Network (CAN) Interfaces]
分类和应用: 控制器
文件页数/大小: 6 页 / 519 K
品牌: NI [ National Instruments ]
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Controller Area Network (CAN) Interfaces  
High-Speed CAN Hardware  
The Intel 80386EX microprocessor on an NI-CAN interface provides  
High-speed CAN interfaces can communicate with devices using the operating environment for the CAN protocol communications stack.  
transfer rates up to 1 Mb/s. Typical high-speed devices include antilock CAN specifies timing requirements to ensure reliable, deterministic bus  
brake systems, engine control modules, and emissions systems.  
operation. In a typical system, a National Instruments CAN interface must  
provide the necessary system responsiveness. Because the majority of the  
CAN protocol executes on the embedded Intel 80386EX microprocessor  
Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant CAN Hardware  
Low-speed/fault-tolerant CAN interfaces can communicate with on NI CAN interfaces, you can achieve improved response to incoming  
devices up to 125 kb/s and offer transceivers with fault-tolerant messages. Embedded CAN protocol stack execution also results in more  
capabilities. Typical low-speed/fault-tolerant devices in an automobile deterministic network performance because the onboard microprocessor  
include comfort devices such as seat and mirror adjusters.  
is dedicated to CAN communication activities.  
Single-Wire CAN Hardware  
CAN Programming  
Single-wire CAN interfaces can communicate with devices at rates up With NI-CAN software, you can import CAN channel database files  
to 33.3 kb/s (88.3 kb/s in high-speed mode). Typical single-wire that use the Vector format (.dbc). A CAN frame can contain multiple  
devices within an automobile include comfort devices such as seat and values. By importing scaling information from the database files, you  
mirror adjusters.  
can easily convert these values into channels with engineering units  
(such as °C or kPa). You can either import the scaling information  
directly into an application or into Measurement & Automation  
Software-Selectable CAN Hardware  
You can configure the software-selectable CAN interface for high-speed, Explorer (MAX), where you can edit channels. Alternatively, you can  
low-speed/fault-tolerant, or single-wire CAN. Multiple-transceiver configure channels directly in MAX.  
hardware offers the perfect solution for applications that require a  
combination of communications standards.  
NI-CAN software provides two different application programming  
interfaces (APIs) – channel and frame, with which you can develop  
applications customized to your test and simulation requirements.  
The channel API provides access to the CAN bus in easy-to-use  
NI-CAN Communications Software  
National Instruments ships CAN devices with NI-CAN software for engineering units, using channels. Therefore, it is recommended for  
Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98. NI-CAN software includes device customers who are new to NI-CAN. The channel API simplifies  
drivers that you can use for application development and firmware that multiple device integration and synchronization. With the frame API,  
runs on the embedded Intel 80386EX microprocessor. The which provides lower-level access to the CAN bus, you can read and  
NI-CAN device drivers are full 32-bit drivers designed for write raw frames on the network. The frame API is recommended for  
Windows 2000/NT/XP/Me/98. These device drivers are compatible users that require low-level access to the CAN bus.  
with NI LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI as well as standard  
programming environments such as Microsoft Visual C/C++, Borland  
C/C++, and Visual Basic 6. The firmware implements time-critical  
features provided by the NI-CAN software. NI-CAN software provides  
flexible yet easy-to-use functions for configuration and I/O on CAN.  
National Instruments • Tel: (800) 813 3693 • info@ni.com • ni.com  