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MU9C32K64M-50B568C 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MU9C32K64M-50B568C
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内容描述: MU9C RCP家庭 [MU9C RCP Family]
文件页数/大小: 35 页 / 1040 K
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Pin Descriptions  
MU9C RCP Family  
PA3-0 (Page Address, Output)  
/AV (Address Valid, Input)  
The PA3-0 lines convey Page Address information. When  
the /OE input is HIGH, the PA3-0 outputs are in their  
high-impedance state; when /OE is LOW the PA3-0 lines  
carry the Page Address value held in the Configuration  
register. The PA3-0 lines are latched when /E is LOW, and  
are free to change only when /E is HIGH. The Page  
Address value of the currently active or highest-priority  
responding device is output at the same time, and under  
the same conditions, as the AA bus is active.  
When Hardware control is selected, the /AV input  
determines whether the AC bus carries address or control  
information. When /AV is LOW, the AC bus conveys a  
memory address; when /AV is HIGH, the AC bus conveys  
control information. The state of the /AV line is registered  
by the falling edge of /E. When software control is  
selected, the /AV line distinguishes between instructions  
and data on the DQ31-0 lines; when /AV is LOW, data is  
present on the DQ31-0 lines; when /AV is HIGH, an  
instruction is present on the DQ11-0 lines.  
/E (Chip Enable, Input)  
/VB (Validity Bit, Three-state, Common Input/  
The /E input is the main chip enable and synchronizing  
control for the MU9C RCP. When /E is HIGH, the chip is  
disabled and the DQ31-0 lines are held in their  
high-impedance state. The falling edge of /E registers the  
/W, /CS1, /CS2, /AV, /AC bus, DSC, and the /VB and  
DQ31-0 lines for a Write cycle. /E being LOW causes the  
results of the previous comparison or memory access to be  
latched on the PA:AA bus; when /E goes HIGH the latches  
open allowing the new comparison results or random  
access memory address to flow to the PA:AA bus.  
During accesses over the DQ31-0 lines, the /VB line  
conveys validity information to and from the MU9C RCP.  
During a Write cycle (/W=LOW), when /VB is LOW the  
addressed location is set valid; when /VB is HIGH it is set  
empty. During a Read cycle (/W=HIGH), the validity of  
the addressed location is read on the /VB line. During a  
Write cycle, the state of the /VB line is registered by the  
falling edge of /E.  
/CS1, /CS2 (Chip Select 1, Chip Select 2,  
/MF (Match Flag, Output)  
The /MF output indicates whether a valid match has  
occurred during the previous Comparison cycle. If the  
/MF output is HIGH at the end of a Comparison cycle,  
then no match occurred; if it is LOW then either a match  
occurred within the device, or the /MI input is LOW,  
conditioned by the /MF output from a higher-priority  
device in the system. The state of the /MF line will not  
change until after the rising edge of /E during the  
Comparison cycle. Note that /MF indicates the results of  
the most recent Comparison cycle; it will not change when  
the PA:AA bus carry an address other than the Match  
The /CS1 and /CS2 inputs enable the MU9C RCP. If either  
/CS1 or /CS2 are LOW, the device is selected for a Read,  
Write, or Compare cycle through the DQ31-0 lines, or for  
an internal data transfer. The /CS1 and /CS2 lines do not  
have any effect on the PA:AA bus. The state of the /CS1  
and /CS2 lines is registered by the falling edge of /E.  
/W (Write Enable, Input)  
The /W input determines the direction of data transfer on  
the DQ31-0 lines during Read, Write, and Data Move  
cycles. When /W is LOW, data flows into the DQ31-0  
lines; when /W is HIGH, data flows out. The /W line also  
conditions the control state present on the AC bus and  
DSC lines. The state of the /W line is registered by the  
falling edge of /E.  
/MI (Match Input, Input)  
The /MI input receives match information from the next  
higher-priority MU9C RCP in a vertically cascaded  
system to provide system-level prioritization. When the  
/MI input is HIGH, the /MF output will only go LOW if  
there is a match during a Comparison cycle; when the /MI  
input is LOW, the /MF output will go LOW. The /MF  
output from one device is connected to the /MI input of the  
next lower-priority device. The /MI pin of the  
highest-priority device must be tied HIGH.  
/OE (Output Enable, Input)  
The /OE input enables the PA:AA bus. When /OE is  
HIGH, PA:AA bus are in their high-impedance state.  
When /OE is LOW, PA:AA bus are active, and convey the  
results of the last Comparison Cycle Match address or  
Memory Access address. In a vertically cascaded system,  
only the PA:AA bus of the highest-priority device will be  
activated by /OE being LOW; in lower-priority devices,  
the PA:AA bus remains in high-impedance regardless of  
the state of /OE.  
Rev. 8.04  