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GCG1555G1H101GA01# 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: GCG1555G1H101GA01#
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内容描述: [汽车[动力总成 / 安全设备],汽车[信息娱乐 / 舒适设备],植入式以外的医疗器械设备 [GHTF A/B/C]]
分类和应用: 医疗医疗器械
文件页数/大小: 17 页 / 675 K
品牌: MURATA [ muRata ]
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1.Operating Temperature  
1. The operating temperature limit depends on the capacitor.  
1-1. Do not apply temperatures exceeding the maximum operating temperature.  
It is necessary to select a capacitor with a suitable rated temperature that will cover the operating temperature range.  
It is also necessary to consider the temperature distribution in equipment and the seasonal temperature variable  
1-2. Consider the self-heating factor of the capacitor  
The surface temperature of the capacitor shall not exceed the maximum operating temperature including self-heating.  
2.Atmosphere Surroundings (gaseous and liquid)  
1. Restriction on the operating environment of capacitors.  
1-1. Capacitors, when used in the above, unsuitable, operating environments may deteriorate due to the corrosion  
of the terminations and the penetration of moisture into the capacitor.  
1-2. The same phenomenon as the above may occur when the electrodes or terminals of the capacitor are subject  
to moisture condensation.  
1-3. The deterioration of characteristics and insulation resistance due to the oxidization or corrosion of terminal  
ꢀꢀelectrodes may result in breakdown when the capacitor is exposed to corrosive or volatile gases or solvents  
for long periods of time.  
3.Piezo-electric Phenomenon  
1. When using high dielectric constant type capacitors in AC or pulse circuits, the capacitor itself vibrates  
at specific frequencies and noise may be generated.  
Moreover, when the mechanical vibration or shock is added to capacitor, noise may occur.  