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VCT3804A 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: VCT3804A
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内容描述: 视频/控制/图文电视IC系列 [Video/Controller/Teletext IC Family]
分类和应用: 电视
文件页数/大小: 172 页 / 2219 K
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VCT 38xxA  
5.10.Interrupt Controller  
operates with the new vector of the interrupt service  
The Interrupt Controller has 16 input channels (see  
Fig. 5–10 on page 100). Each input has its own inter-  
rupt vector pointing to an interrupt service routine  
(ISR). One of 15 priority levels can be assigned to  
each input or the input can be disabled. The Interrupt  
Controller is connected to the NMI input of the CPU.  
But despite of the non-maskable interrupt input, it is  
possible to disable all interrupt sources in total in the  
Interrupt Controller.  
When the Interrupt Controller writes the new vector to  
the address bus, the interrupt pending flag of this vec-  
tor is set, indicating that no interrupt is pending.  
The software must pull the top entry from the priority  
stack at the end of an interrupt service routine. This  
happens with the write access to the interrupt return  
register IRRET. Then the next entry (with lower prior-  
ity) is visible at top of stack and is compared with the  
priority latch.  
The Interrupt Controller and related circuitry is clocked  
by the CPU clock and participates in CPU Fast and  
Slow mode.  
– 16 interrupt inputs.  
– 16 interrupt vectors.  
– 15 individual priority levels.  
– Global/individual disable of interrupts.  
– Single interrupt service mode.  
After reset, all internal registers are cleared but the  
Interrupt Controller is active. When an interrupt  
request arrives, it will be stored in the respective pend-  
ing register IRP/IRRET. But it will not trigger an inter-  
rupt as long as its interrupt priority register IRPRIxy is  
set to zero.  
Interrupt requests are served in the order of their pro-  
grammed priority level. Interrupt requests of the same  
priority level are served in descending order of inter-  
rupt input number.  
Proper SW configuration of the interrupt sources in  
peripheral modules has to be made prior to operation.  
Each of the 16 interrupt inputs clears a flag in the inter-  
rupt pending register (IRRET and IRP), which can be  
read by the user. A pending interrupt enables the out-  
put of the corresponding priority register (IRPRI10 to  
IRPRIFE) which is connected to a parallel priority  
decoder together with the other priority registers. The  
decoder outputs the highest priority and its input num-  
ber to a latch. The latched priority is compared with the  
top entry of the priority stack. The top entry of the pri-  
ority stack contains the priority of the actual served  
interrupt. Lower entries contain interrupts with lower  
priority whose interrupt service routines were started  
but interrupted by the higher priority interrupts above. If  
the latched priority is lower or equal than the top of  
stack priority, nothing happens. If the latched priority is  
higher than the top of stack priority, a NMI is sent to the  
CPU and the latched priority is pushed on the stack.  
Before enabling individual inputs, make sure that no  
previously received signal on that input has cleared its  
pending flag which may trigger the Interrupt Controller.  
Clear all pending interrupts with the flag IRC.CLEAR to  
avoid such an effect.  
Activation of an interrupt input is done by writing a pri-  
ority value ranging from 1h to Fh to the respective  
IRPRIxy register. Upon an interrupt request, pending  
or fresh, the Interrupt Controller will immediately gen-  
erate an interrupt.  
During operation, changes in the priority register set-  
ting may be made to obtain varying interrupt servicing  
Flags IRC.DAINT,  
IRC.DINT and  
The Interrupt Controller signals an interrupt by NMI  
input to the CPU. After the current instruction is fin-  
ished the CPU starts an interrupt sequence. First it  
puts the program bank register, the program counter  
High byte, the program counter Low byte and the pro-  
gram status register to the stack. Then the CPU writes  
the vector address Low byte (00FFFAh) to the bus.  
The Interrupt Controller recognizes this address and  
stops the CPU by the RDY signal. Now the Interrupt  
Controller writes the vector address Low and High byte  
of the corresponding interrupt number to the bus and  
releases the CPU by releasing RDY. The CPU now  
IRC.A1INT allow some variation in the Interrupt Con-  
troller response behavior.  
There are two possibilities to disable an interrupt within  
the Interrupt Controller. Changing the priority of an  
interrupt input to zero disables this interrupt locally.  
Interrupts are globally disabled by writing a zero to flag  
IRC.DINT of register IRC.  