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MSP4458 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MSP4458
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内容描述: 多标准音频处理器 [Multistandard Sound Processor]
文件页数/大小: 85 页 / 653 K
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MSP 44x8G  
Pins 71, 72 XTAL_IN, XTAL_OUT – Crystal Input and  
Output Pins (Fig. 4–12)  
* Application Note:  
All ground pins should be connected to one low-resis-  
tive ground plane.  
These pins are connected to an 18.432 MHz crystal  
oscillator which is digitally tuned by integrated capaci-  
tances. An external clock can be fed into XTAL_IN  
(leave XTAL_OUT vacant in this case). The audio  
clock output signal AUD_CL_OUT is derived from the  
oscillator. External capacitors at each crystal pin to  
ground (AVSS) are required. It should be verified by  
layout, that no supply current for the digital circuitry is  
flowing through the ground connection point.  
All supply pins should be connected separately with  
short and low-resistive lines to the power supply.  
Decoupling capacitors from DVSUP to DVSS, AVSUP  
to AVSS, and AHVSUP to AHVSS are recommended  
as closely as possible to these pins. Decoupling of  
DVSUP and DVSS is most important. We recommend  
using more than one capacitor. By choosing different  
values, the frequency range of active decoupling can  
be extended. In our application boards we use: 220 pF,  
470 pF, 1.5 nF, and 10 µF. The capacitor with the low-  
est value should be placed nearest to the pins.  
Pin 73, TP – This pin enables factory test modes. For  
normal operation, it must be left vacant.  
Pin 74, AUD_CL_OUT – Audio Clock Output  
(Fig. 4–12)  
This is the 18.432 MHz main clock output.  
The ASG pins should be connected as closely as pos-  
sible to the MSP ground. They are intended for leading  
with the SCART signals as shield lines and should not  
be connected to ground at the SCART-connector.  
Pins 75, 76, NC – Pins not connected.  
Pins 77, 78, D_CTR_I/O_1/0 – Digital Control Input/  
Output Pins (Fig. 4–11)  
These pins serve as general purpose input/output  
pins. Pin D_CTR_I/O_1 can be used as an interrupt  
request pin to the controller.  
Pin 79, ADR_SEL – I2C Bus Address Select  
(Fig. 4–10)  
By means of this pin, one of three device addresses for  
the MSP can be selected. The pin can be connected to  
ground (I2C device addresses 80/81hex), to +5 V sup-  
ply (84/85hex), or left open (88/89hex).  
Pin 80, STANDBYQ – Stand-by  
In normal operation, this pin must be High. If the MSP  
is switched off by first pulling STANDBYQ low and then  
(after >1 µs delay) switching off the 5 V, but keeping  
the 8-V power supply (‘Stand-by’-mode), the SCART  
switches maintain their position and function.  
Pin -, I2S_DA_IN2/3 I2S data input (see Fig. 4–9).  
This pin is connected to I2S_DA_IN2 and  
I2S_DA_IN3. Not available for PQFP80-pin package.  