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MSP3417G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MSP3417G
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内容描述: 多标准音频处理器系列 [Multistandard Sound Processor Family]
文件页数/大小: 81 页 / 1186 K
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MSP 34x7G  
4.3. Pin Descriptions  
CAPLM Volume Capacitor Loudspeakers (Fig. 418)  
A 10µF capacitor to AHVSUP must be connected to  
this pin. It serves as smoothing filter for volume  
changes in order to suppress audible plops. The value  
of the capacitor can be lowered to 1µF if faster  
response is required. The area encircled by the trace  
lines should be minimized, keep traces as short as  
possible. This input is sensitive for magnetic induction.  
NC Pin not connected  
I2C_CL I2C Clock Input/Output (Fig. 412)  
Via this pin the I2C bus clock signal has to be supplied.  
The signal can be pulled down by the MSP in case of  
wait conditions.  
I2C_DA I2C Data Input/Output (Fig. 412)  
Via this pin the I2C bus data is written to or read from  
the MSP.  
AHVSS* Ground for Analog Power Supply High Volt-  
Ground connection for the analog circuitry of the MSP  
(except IF input).  
TP_CO Clock Output  
Output of clock signal used in order to define capaci-  
tors at the crystal oscillator (see Section on  
page 44).  
AGNDC Internal Analog Reference Voltage  
This pin serves as the internal ground connection for  
the analog circuitry (except IF input). It must be con-  
nected to the VREF pins with a 3.3 µF and a 100 nF  
capacitor in parallel. This pins shows a DC level of typ-  
ically 3.73 V.  
DVSUP* Digital Supply Voltage  
Power supply for the digital circuitry of the MSP. Must  
be connected to a power supply.  
SC1_IN_L/R SCART1 Inputs (Fig. 48)  
DVSS* Digital Ground  
Ground connection for the digital circuitry of the MSP  
The analog input signal for SCART1 is fed to this pin.  
Analog input connection must be AC coupled.  
RESETQ Reset Input (Fig. 45)  
In the steady state, high level is required. A low level  
resets the MSP 34x7G.  
VREFTOP Reference Voltage IF AD Converter  
(Fig. 410)  
Via this pin, the reference voltage for the IF AD con-  
verter is decoupled. It must be connected to AVSS  
pins with a 10µF and a 100nF capacitor in parallel.  
Traces must be kept short.  
VREF2 Reference Ground 2  
Reference analog ground. This pin must be connected  
separately to ground (AHVSS). VREF2 serves as a  
clean ground and should be used as the reference for  
analog connections to the loudspeaker outputs.  
MONO_IN Mono Input (Fig. 48)  
The analog mono input signal is fed to this pin. Analog  
input connection must be AC coupled.  
DACM_R/L Loudspeaker Outputs (Fig. 415)  
Output of the loudspeaker signal. A 1nF capacitor to  
AHVSS must be connected to these pins. The DC off-  
set on these pins depends on the selected volume.  
AVSS* Ground for Analog Power Supply Voltage  
Ground connection for the analog IF input circuitry of  
the MSP.  
VREF1 Reference Ground 1  
AVSUP* Analog Power Supply Voltage  
Power is supplied via this pin for the analog IF input cir-  
cuitry of the MSP. This pin must be connected to the  
+5 V supply.  
Reference analog ground. This pin must be connected  
separately to ground (AHVSS). VREF1 serves as a  
clean ground and should be used as the reference for  
analog connections to the SCART output.  
ANA_IN1+ IF Input 1 (Fig. 410)  
SC1_OUT_R/L SCART1 Outputs (Fig. 416)  
Output of the SCART1 signal. Connections to these  
pins must use a 100 ohm series resistor and are  
intended to be AC coupled.  
The analog sound if signal is supplied to this pin.  
Inputs must be AC coupled. This pin is designed as  
symmetrical input: ANA_IN1+ is internally connected  
to one input of a symmetrical op amp, ANA_INto the  
AHVSUP* Analog Power Supply High Voltage  
Power is supplied via this pin for the analog circuitry of  
the MSP (except IF input). This pin must be connected  
to the +8 V supply.  
ANA_INIF Common (Fig. 410)  
This pin serves as a common reference for ANA_IN1+  
TESTEN Test Enable Pin (Fig. 46)  
This pin enables factory test modes. For normal opera-  
tion it must be connected to ground.  