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MT16VDDT3264AY-335 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MT16VDDT3264AY-335
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分类和应用: 时钟动态存储器双倍数据速率光电二极管内存集成电路
文件页数/大小: 35 页 / 875 K
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256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB (x64, DR)  
No t e s  
1. All voltages referenced to VSS.  
25°C, VOUT (DC) = VDDQ/ 2, VOUT (peak to peak) =  
0.2V. DM input is grouped with I/ O pins, reflecting  
the fact that they are matched in loading.  
2. Tests for AC timing, IDD, and electrical AC and DC  
characteristics may be conducted at nominal ref-  
erence/ supply voltage levels, but the related spec-  
ifications and device operation are guaranteed for  
the full voltage range specified.  
12. For slew rates less than 1 V/ ns and greater than or  
equal to 0.5 V/ ns. If slew rate is less than 0.5 V/ ns,  
timing must be derated: tIS has an additional 50ps  
per each 100mV/ ns reduction in slew rate from  
3. Outputs m easured with equivalent load:  
500mV/ ns, while IH is unaffected. If slew rate  
exceeds 4.5V/ ns, functionality is uncertain.  
13. The CK/ CK# input reference level (for timing ref-  
erenced to CK/ CK#) is the point at which CK and  
CK# cross; the input reference level for signals  
other than CK/ CK# is VREF.  
14. Inputs are not recognized as valid until VREF stabi-  
lizes. Exception: during the period before VREF  
stabilizes, CKE 0.3 x VDDQ is recognized as LOW.  
15. The output tim ing reference level, as m easured at  
the tim ing reference point indicated in Note 3, is  
4. AC timing and IDD tests m ay use a VIL-to-VIH  
swing of up to 1.5V in the test environm ent, but  
input timing is still referenced to VREF (or to the  
crossing point for CK/ CK#), and parameter speci-  
fications are guaranteed for the specified AC input  
levels under norm al use conditions. The m ini-  
m um slew rate for the input signals used to test  
the device is 1V/ ns in the range between VIL(AC)  
and VIH(AC).  
16. tHZ and LZ transitions occur in the same access  
tim e windows as valid data transitions. These  
param eters are not referenced to a specific voltage  
level, but specify when the device output is no  
longer driving (HZ) or begins driving (LZ).  
5. The AC and DC input level specifications are as  
defined in the SSTL_2 Standard (i.e., the receiver  
will effectively switch as a result of the signal  
crossing the AC input level, and will remain in that  
state as long as the signal does not ring back  
above [below] the DC input LOW [HIGH] level).  
6. VREF is expected to equal VDDQ/ 2 of the transmit-  
ting device and to track variations in the DC level  
of the same. Peak-to-peak noise (non-common  
mode) on VREF may not exceed ±2 percent of the  
DC value. Thus, from VDDQ/ 2, VREF is allowed  
±25mV for DC error and an additional ±25mV for  
AC noise. This measurement is to be taken at the  
nearest VREF bypass capacitor.  
7. VTT is not applied directly to the device. VTT is a  
system supply for signal termination resistors, is  
expected to be set equal to VREF and must track  
variations in the DC level of VREF.  
8. IDD is dependent on output loading and cycle  
rates. Specified values are obtained with m ini-  
mum cycle time at CL = 2 for -262, and -26A, CL =  
2.5 for -335 and -265 with the outputs open.  
9. Enables on-chip refresh and address counters.  
10. IDD specifications are tested after the device is  
properly initialized, and is averaged at the defined  
cycle rate.  
17. The intent of the Dont Care state after completion  
of the postamble is the DQS-driven signal should  
either be high, low, or high-Z and that any signal  
transition within the input switching region must  
follow valid input requirements. That is, if DQS  
transitions high [above VIHDC (MIN)] then it must  
not transition low (below VIHDC) prior to  
18. This is not a device limit. The device will operate  
with a negative value, but system perform ance  
could be degraded due to bus turnaround.  
19. It is recom m ended that DQS be valid (HIGH or  
LOW) on or before the WRITE command. The  
case shown (DQS going from High-Z to logic  
LOW) applies when no WRITEs were previously in  
progress on the bus. If a previous WRITE was in  
progress, DQS could be HIGH during this tim e,  
depending on DQSS.  
20. MIN (tRC or RFC) for IDD m easurements is the  
smallest multiple of tCK that meets the minimum  
absolute value for the respective parameter. RAS  
(MAX) for IDD measurem ents is the largest m ulti-  
ple of CK that m eets the m axim um absolute  
value for tRAS.  
21. The refresh period 64ms. This equates to an aver-  
age refresh rate of 15.625µs (256MB) or 7.8125µs  
(512MB, 1GB, 2GB). However, an AUTO REFRESH  
com m and m ust be asserted at least once every  
11. This parameter is sampled. VDD = +2.5V ±0.2V,  
VDDQ = +2.5V ±0.2V, VREF = VSS, f = 100 MHz, TA =  
pdf: 09005aef80739fa5, source: 09005aef807397e5  
DD16C32_64_128_256x64AG.fm - Rev. C 9/04 EN  
Micron Technology, Inc., reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.  
©2004 Micron Technology, Inc.  