RCON Register
Note 1: If the BOREN Configuration bit is set
(Brown-out Reset enabled), the BOR bit
is ‘1’ on a Power-on Reset. After a
Brown-out Reset has occurred, the BOR
bit will be cleared and must be set by
firmware to indicate the occurrence of the
next Brown-out Reset.
Device Reset events are tracked through the RCON
register (Register 5-1). The lower five bits of the register
indicate that a specific Reset event has occurred. In most
cases, these bits can only be cleared by the event and
must be set by the application after the event. The state
of these flag bits, taken together, can be read to indicate
the type of Reset that just occurred. This is described in
more detail in Section 5.6 “Reset State of Registers”.
2: It is recommended that the POR bit be
set after a Power-on Reset has been
detected, so that subsequent Power-on
Resets may be detected.
The RCON register also has control bits for setting
interrupt priority (IPEN) and software control of the
BOR (SBOREN). Interrupt priority is discussed in
Section 10.0 “Interrupts”. BOR is covered in
Section 5.4 “Brown-out Reset (BOR)”.
bit 7
bit 0
R = Readable bit
-n = Value at POR
W = Writable bit
‘1’ = Bit is set
U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’
‘0’ = Bit is cleared x = Bit is unknown
bit 7
IPEN: Interrupt Priority Enable bit
1= Enable priority levels on interrupts
0= Disable priority levels on interrupts (PIC16CXXX Compatibility mode)
bit 6-5
bit 4
Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’
RI: RESETInstruction Flag bit
1= The RESETinstruction was not executed (set by firmware only)
0= The RESET instruction was executed causing a device Reset (must be set in software after a
Brown-out Reset occurs)
bit 3
bit 2
bit 1
bit 0
TO: Watchdog Time-out Flag bit
1= Set by power-up, CLRWDTinstruction or SLEEPinstruction
0= A WDT time-out occurred
PD: Power-Down Detection Flag bit
1= Set by power-up or by the CLRWDTinstruction
0= Set by execution of the SLEEPinstruction
POR: Power-on Reset Status bit(2)
1= A Power-on Reset has not occurred (set by firmware only)
0= A Power-on Reset occurred (must be set in software after a Power-on Reset occurs)
BOR: Brown-out Reset Status bit(1)
1= A Brown-out Reset has not occurred (set by firmware only)
0= A Brown-out Reset occurred (must be set in software after a Brown-out Reset occurs)
Note 1: If SBOREN is enabled, its Reset state is ‘1’; otherwise, it is ‘0’.
2: The actual Reset value of POR is determined by the type of device Reset. See the notes following this
register and Section 5.6 “Reset State of Registers” for additional information.
Note 1: It is recommended that the POR bit be set after a Power-on Reset has been detected so that subsequent
Power-on Resets may be detected.
2: Brown-out Reset is said to have occurred when BOR is ‘0’ and POR is ‘1’ (assuming that POR was set to
‘1’ by software immediately after a Power-on Reset).
DS39616D-page 48
2010 Microchip Technology Inc.