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PIC18F4431-I/P 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC18F4431-I/P
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内容描述: 28 /40/ 44引脚增强型闪存微控制器采用纳瓦技术,高性能PWM和A / D [28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology, High-Performance PWM and A/D]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 392 页 / 3127 K
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25.7 MPLAB SIM Software Simulator  
25.9 MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger  
The MPLAB SIM Software Simulator allows code  
development in a PC-hosted environment by simulat-  
ing the PIC MCUs and dsPIC® DSCs on an instruction  
level. On any given instruction, the data areas can be  
examined or modified and stimuli can be applied from  
a comprehensive stimulus controller. Registers can be  
logged to files for further run-time analysis. The trace  
buffer and logic analyzer display extend the power of  
the simulator to record and track program execution,  
actions on I/O, most peripherals and internal registers.  
MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger System is Micro-  
chip’s most cost effective high-speed hardware  
debugger/programmer for Microchip Flash Digital Sig-  
nal Controller (DSC) and microcontroller (MCU)  
devices. It debugs and programs PIC® Flash micro-  
controllers and dsPIC® DSCs with the powerful, yet  
easy-to-use graphical user interface of MPLAB  
Integrated Development Environment (IDE).  
The MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger probe is con-  
nected to the design engineer’s PC using a high-speed  
USB 2.0 interface and is connected to the target with a  
connector compatible with the MPLAB ICD 2 or MPLAB  
REAL ICE systems (RJ-11). MPLAB ICD 3 supports all  
MPLAB ICD 2 headers.  
The MPLAB SIM Software Simulator fully supports  
symbolic debugging using the MPLAB C Compilers,  
and the MPASM and MPLAB Assemblers. The soft-  
ware simulator offers the flexibility to develop and  
debug code outside of the hardware laboratory envi-  
ronment, making it an excellent, economical software  
development tool.  
25.10 PICkit 3 In-Circuit Debugger/  
Programmer and  
25.8 MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit  
Emulator System  
PICkit 3 Debug Express  
The MPLAB PICkit 3 allows debugging and program-  
ming of PIC® and dsPIC® Flash microcontrollers at a  
most affordable price point using the powerful graphical  
user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development  
Environment (IDE). The MPLAB PICkit 3 is connected  
to the design engineer’s PC using a full speed USB  
interface and can be connected to the target via an  
Microchip debug (RJ-11) connector (compatible with  
MPLAB ICD 3 and MPLAB REAL ICE). The connector  
uses two device I/O pins and the Reset line to imple-  
ment in-circuit debugging and In-Circuit Serial Pro-  
MPLAB REAL ICE In-Circuit Emulator System is  
Microchip’s next generation high-speed emulator for  
Microchip Flash DSC and MCU devices. It debugs and  
programs PIC® Flash MCUs and dsPIC® Flash DSCs  
with the easy-to-use, powerful graphical user interface of  
the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE),  
included with each kit.  
The emulator is connected to the design engineer’s PC  
using a high-speed USB 2.0 interface and is connected  
to the target with either a connector compatible with in-  
circuit debugger systems (RJ11) or with the new high-  
speed, noise tolerant, Low-Voltage Differential Signal  
(LVDS) interconnection (CAT5).  
The PICkit 3 Debug Express include the PICkit 3, demo  
board and microcontroller, hookup cables and CDROM  
with user’s guide, lessons, tutorial, compiler and  
MPLAB IDE software.  
The emulator is field upgradable through future firmware  
downloads in MPLAB IDE. In upcoming releases of  
MPLAB IDE, new devices will be supported, and new  
features will be added. MPLAB REAL ICE offers  
significant advantages over competitive emulators  
including low-cost, full-speed emulation, run-time  
variable watches, trace analysis, complex breakpoints, a  
ruggedized probe interface and long (up to three meters)  
interconnection cables.  
2010 Microchip Technology Inc.  
DS39616D-page 327  