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PIC16F690-I/SS 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC16F690-I/SS
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内容描述: 20引脚基于闪存的8位CMOS微控制器采用纳瓦技术 [20-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with nanoWatt Technology]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器和处理器外围集成电路光电二极管PC时钟
文件页数/大小: 294 页 / 5272 K
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In Compare mode, an event is triggered when the value  
CCPR1H:CCPR1L register pair matches the value in  
the TMR1H:TMR1L register pair. This event can be a  
Special Event Trigger.  
TMR1GE bit of the T1CON register must  
be set to use either T1G or C2OUT as the  
Timer1 gate source. See the CM2CON1  
register (Register 8-3) for more informa-  
tion on selecting the Timer1 gate source.  
For more information, see Section 11.0 “Enhanced  
Capture/Compare/PWM Module”.  
Timer1 gate can be inverted using the T1GINV bit of  
the T1CON register, whether it originates from the T1G  
pin or Comparator C2 output. This configures Timer1 to  
measure either the active-high or active-low time  
between events.  
6.10 ECCP Special Event Trigger  
When the ECCP is configured to trigger a special  
event, the trigger will clear the TMR1H:TMR1L register  
pair. This special event does not cause a Timer1 inter-  
rupt. The ECCP module may still be configured to  
generate a ECCP interrupt.  
Timer1 Interrupt  
In this mode of operation, the CCPR1H:CCPR1L  
register pair becomes the period register for Timer1.  
The Timer1 register pair (TMR1H:TMR1L) increments  
to FFFFh and rolls over to 0000h. When Timer1 rolls  
over, the Timer1 interrupt flag bit of the PIR1 register is  
set. To enable the interrupt on rollover, you must set  
these bits:  
Timer1 should be synchronized to the FOSC to utilize  
the Special Event Trigger. Asynchronous operation of  
Timer1 can cause a Special Event Trigger to be  
• TMR1ON bit of the T1CON register  
• TMR1IE bit of the PIE1 register  
• PEIE bit of the INTCON register  
• GIE bit of the INTCON register  
In the event that a write to TMR1H or TMR1L coincides  
with a Special Event Trigger from the ECCP, the write  
will take precedence.  
For more information, see Section 11.2.4 “Special  
Event Trigger”.  
The interrupt is cleared by clearing the TMR1IF bit in  
the Interrupt Service Routine.  
The TMR1H:TTMR1L register pair and the  
TMR1IF bit should be cleared before  
enabling interrupts.  
6.11 Comparator Synchronization  
The same clock used to increment Timer1 can also be  
used to synchronize the comparator output. This  
feature is enabled in the Comparator module.  
Timer1 Operation During Sleep  
When using the comparator for Timer1 gate, the  
comparator output should be synchronized to Timer1.  
This ensures Timer1 does not miss an increment if the  
comparator changes.  
Timer1 can only operate during Sleep when setup in  
Asynchronous Counter mode. In this mode, an external  
crystal or clock source can be used to increment the  
counter. To set up the timer to wake the device:  
Section 8.8.2  
• TMR1ON bit of the T1CON register must be set  
• TMR1IE bit of the PIE1 register must be set  
• PEIE bit of the INTCON register must be set  
• T1SYNC bit of the T1CON register must be set  
• TMR1CS bit of the T1CON register must be set  
• T1OSCEN bit of the T1CON register (can be set)  
“Synchronizing Comparator C2 output to Timer1”.  
The device will wake-up on an overflow and execute  
the next instructions. If the GIE bit of the INTCON  
register is set, the device will call the Interrupt Service  
Routine (0004h).  
ECCP Capture/Compare Time Base  
The ECCP module uses the TMR1H:TMR1L register  
pair as the time base when operating in Capture or  
Compare mode.  
In Capture mode, the value in the TMR1H:TMR1L  
register pair is copied into the CCPR1H:CCPR1L  
register pair on a configured event.  
DS41262D-page 86  
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.  