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PIC12F629EP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: PIC12F629EP
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内容描述: 8引脚基于闪存的8位CMOS微控制器 [8-Pin FLASH-Based 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 闪存微控制器
文件页数/大小: 132 页 / 4519 K
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Configuration Bits  
Address 2007h is beyond the user program  
memory space. It belongs to the special con-  
figuration memory space (2000h - 3FFFh),  
which can be accessed only during program-  
ming. See PIC±2F629/675 Programming  
Specification for more information.  
The configuration bits can be programmed (read as '0'),  
or left unprogrammed (read as '±') to select various  
device configurations, as shown in Register 9-±. These  
bits are mapped in program memory location 2007h.  
R/P-± R/P-± U-0  
R/P-± R/P-± R/P-± R/P-± R/P-± R/P-± R/P-± R/P-± R/P-±  
BG± BG0  
bit ±3  
bit 0  
bit ±3-±2 BG1:BG0: Bandgap Calibration bits for BOD and POR voltage  
00= Lowest bandgap voltage  
11= Highest bandgap voltage  
bit ±±-9  
bit 8  
Unimplemented: Read as ‘0’  
CPD: Data Code Protection bit  
1= Data memory code protection is disabled  
0= Data memory code protection is enabled  
bit 7  
bit 6  
bit 5  
bit 4  
bit 3  
bit 2-0  
CP: Code Protection bit  
1= Program Memory code protection is disabled  
0= Program Memory code protection is enabled  
BODEN: Brown-out Detect Enable bit  
1= BOD enabled  
0= BOD disabled  
MCLRE: GP3/MCLR pin function select  
1= GP3/MCLR pin function is MCLR  
0= GP3/MCLR pin function is digital I/O, MCLR internally tied to VDD  
PWRTE: Power-up Timer Enable bit  
1= PWRT disabled  
0= PWRT enabled  
WDTE: Watchdog Timer Enable bit  
1= WDT enabled  
0= WDT disabled  
FOSC2:FOSC0: Oscillator Selection bits  
111= RC oscillator: CLKOUT function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, RC on GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
110= RC oscillator: I/O function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, RC on GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
101= INTOSC oscillator: CLKOUT function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
100= INTOSC oscillator: I/O function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, I/O function on GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
011= EC: I/O function on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT pin, CLKIN on GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
010= HS oscillator: High speed crystal/resonator on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT and GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
001= XT oscillator: Crystal/resonator on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT and GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
000= LP oscillator: Low power crystal on GP4/OSC2/CLKOUT and GP5/OSC±/CLKIN  
Note 1: The Bandgap Calibration bits are factory programmed and must be read and saved prior to erasing  
the device as specified in the PIC±2F629/675 Programming Specification. These bits are reflected  
in an export of the configuration word. Microchip Development Tools maintain all calibration bits to  
factory settings.  
2: The entire data EEPROM will be erased when the code protection is turned off.  
3: The entire program memory will be erased, including OSCCAL value, when the code protection is  
turned off.  
4: Enabling Brown-out Detect does not automatically enable Power-up Timer.  
5: When MCLR is asserted in INTOSC or RC mode, the internal clock oscillator is disabled.  
P = Programmed using ICSP  
R = Readable bit  
-n = Value at POR  
W = Writable bit  
± = bit is set  
U = Unimplemented bit, read as ‘0’  
0 = bit is cleared x = bit is unknown  
DS41190C-page 52  
2003 Microchip Technology Inc.  