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MLX90614ESF-ABB 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MLX90614ESF-ABB
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内容描述: 单个和双重红外温度计TO- 39 [Single and Dual Zone Infra Red Thermometer in TO-39]
文件页数/大小: 40 页 / 837 K
品牌: MELEXIS [ Melexis Microelectronic Systems ]
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MLX90614 family  
Single and Dual Zone  
Infra Red Thermometer in TO-39  
The different time intervals t1-t3 have the following functions:  
t1: Start buffer. During this time the signal is always high. t1 = 0.125*T (T is the PWM period, refer to fig. 11).  
t2: Valid Data Output Band, 0 to 1/2T. PWM output data resolution is 10 bit.  
t3: Error band – information for fatal error in EEPROM (double error detected, not correctable). t3 = 0.25 * T.  
Therefore a PWM pulse train with a duty cycle of 0.875 will indicate a fatal error in EEPROM (for single PWM  
obj1 => Config Reg[5:4] = 11’b  
Tomin = 0°C  
Tomax = +50°C  
Tomin [EEPROM] = 100 * (tomin + 273.15) = 6AB3h  
Tomax [EEPROM] = 100 * (tomax + 273.15) = 7E3Bh  
Captured PWM high duration is 0.495*T => t2=(0.495 – 0.125)*T=0.370*T =>  
measured object temperature = 2X0.370* (50°C -0°C)+0°C = +37.0°C.  
8.5.2 Extended PWM format  
The PWM format for extended PWM is shown in Figure 11. Note that with bits DUAL[5:1]>00h each period  
will be outputted 2N+1 times, where N is the decimal value of the number written in DUAL[5:1] (DUAL[5:1]  
=PWM control & clock [8:4] ), like shown on Figure 12.  
2N+1=3 times Data2  
New Data 1  
2N+1=3 times Data1  
Figure 12: Extended PWM format with DUAL[5:1] = 01h (2 repetitions for each data)  
The temperature transmitted in Data 1 field can be calculated using the following equation:  
Tout1 =  
Tmax1 Tmin1  
+ Tmin1  
For Data 2 field the equation is:  
Tout2 =  
Tmax2 Tmin2  
+ Tmin2  
Where Tmin1, Tmax1, Tmin2 and Tmax2 are given in Table 9, t2=thigh1-t1, and t5=thigh2-t4.  
Time bands are: t1=0.125*T, t3=0.25*T and t4=1.125*T. As shown in Figure 11, in extended PWM format the  
period is twice the period for the single PWM format. All equations provided herein are given for the single  
PWM period T. The EEPROM Error band signaling will be 43.75% duty cycle for Data1 and 93.75% for  
Note: EEPROM error signaling is implemented in automotive grade parts only.  
Configuration: Ta : Tobj1 @ Data1 : Data2 => Config Reg[5:4] = 00b,  
Tamin = -5°C  
Tamax = +105°C =>  
Tarange, L [EEPROM] = 100*(Tamin+38.2)/64 = 34h,  
Tarange,H [EEPROM] = 100*(Tamax+38.2)/64 = E0h,  
Tarange [EEPROM]=E034h  
Tomin = 0°C  
Tomax = +50°C  
Tomin [EEPROM] = 100 * (Tomin + 273.15) = 6AB3h  
Tomax [EEPROM] = 100 * (Tomax + 273.15) = 7E3Bh  
Captured high durations are 0.13068*(2T) and 0.7475*(2T), where 2T is each captured PWM period. Time band t4 is  
provided for reliable determination between Data1 and Data2 data fields. Thus Data1 is represented by 0.13068*(2T) and  
Data2 – by 0.7475*(2T), and the temperatures can be calculated as follows:  
t2/T=(thigh1/T)-0.125=0.13636 => Ta=+25.0°C,  
t5/T=( thigh2/T)-1.125=0.370 => Tobj1=+37.0°C.  
Rev 003  
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Data Sheet  