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MPC82L54AT 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MPC82L54AT
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内容描述: 8位微控制器 [8-bit micro-controller]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 74 页 / 1587 K
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In SPI, transfers are always initiated by the master. If the SPI is enabled (SPEN=1) and  
selected as master, any instruction that use SPI data register SPIDAT as the destination will  
starts the SPI clock generator and a data transfer. The data will start to appear on MOSI about  
one half SPI bit-time to one SPI bit-time after it. Before starting the transfer, the master may  
select a slave by driving the SS pin of the corresponding device low. Data written to the  
SPIDAT register of the master shifted out of MOSI pin of the master to the MOSI pin of the  
slave. And, at the same time, the data in SPIDAT register of the selected slave is shifted out of  
MISO pin to the MISO pin of the master. During one byte transfer, data in the master and in  
the slave is interchanged. After shifting one byte, the transfer completion flag (SPIF) is set and  
an interrupt will be created if the SPI interrupt is enabled.  
If SPEN=1, SSIG=0, SS pin=1 and MSTR=1, the SPI is enabled in master mode. Before the  
instruction that use SPIDAT as the destination register, the master is in idle state and can be  
selected as slave device by any other master drives the idle master SS pin low. Once this  
happened, MSTR bit of the idle master is cleared by hardware and changes its state to a  
selected slave. User software should always check the MSTR bit. If this bit is cleared by the  
mode change of SS pin and if the user wants to continue to use the SPI as a master later, the  
user must set the MSTR bit again; otherwise, it will always stay in slave mode.  
The SPI is single buffered in transmit direction and double buffered in receive direction. New  
data for transmission can not be written to the shift register until the previous transaction is  
complete. The WCOL bit is set to signal data collision when the data register is written during  
transaction. In this case, the data currently being transmitted will continue to be transmitted,  
but the new data which causing the collision will be lost. For receiving data, received data is  
transferred into a internal parallel read data buffer so that the shift register is free to accept a  
second byte. However, the received byte must be read from the data register (SPIDAT) before  
the next byte has been completely transferred. Otherwise the previous byte is lost. WCOL can  
be cleared in software by “writing 1 to the bit”.  
MPC82x54A Data Sheet  