Universal Asynchronous Serial Port (UART)
The serial port of MPC82x54A is duplex. It can transmit and receive simultaneously. The
receiving and transmitting of the serial port share the same SFR SBUF, but actually there are
two SBUF registers implemented in the chip. One is for transmitting and the other is for
receiving. The serial port can be operated in 4 different modes.
Mode 0
Generally, this mode purely is used to extend the I/O features of this device.
Operating under this mode, the device receives the serial data or transmits the serial data via
pin RXD while there is a clock stream shifted via pin TXD which makes convenient for external
synchronization. An 8-bit data is serially transmitted/received with LSB first. The baud rate is
fixed at 1/12 the oscillator frequency. If AUXR.5 (URM0X6) is set, the baud rate is 1/2
oscillator frequency.
A 10-bits data is serially transmitted through pin TXD or received through pin RXD. The frame
data includes a start bit (0), 8 data bits and a stop bit (1). After finishing a receiving, the device
will keep the stop bit in RB8 which from SRF SCON.
Baud Rate (for Mode 1) =
(Timer-1 overflow rate)
An 11-bit data is serially transmitted through TXD or received through RXD. The frame data
includes a start bit (0), 8 data bits, a programmable 9th bit, and a stop bit (1). On transmit, the
9th data bit comes from TB8 in SFR SCON. On receive, the 9th data bit goes into RB8 in
SCON. The baud rate is programmable, and permitted to be set either 1/32 or 1/64 the
oscillator frequency.
X Fosc
Baud Rate (for Mode 2) =
MPC82x54A Data Sheet