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MX29LV160CBTC-70G 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MX29LV160CBTC-70G
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 16M - BIT [ 2Mx8 / 1Mx16 ] CMOS单电压3V仅限于Flash存储器 [16M-BIT [2Mx8/1Mx16] CMOS SINGLE VOLTAGE 3V ONLY FLASH MEMORY]
分类和应用: 闪存存储内存集成电路光电二极管ISM频段
文件页数/大小: 66 页 / 923 K
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MX29LV160C T/B  
dard microprocessor write timings. The device will auto-  
matically pre-program and verify the entire array. Then  
the device automatically times the erase pulse width,  
provides the erase verification, and counts the number of  
sequences. A status bit toggling between consecutive  
read cycles provides feedback to the user as to the sta-  
tus of the erasing operation.  
The MX29LV160CT/B is byte/word programmable using  
the Automatic Programming algorithm. The Automatic  
Programming algorithm makes the external system do  
not need to have time out sequence nor to verify the  
data programmed. The typical chip programming time at  
room temperature of the MX29LV160C T/B is less than  
18 sec (byte)/12 sec (word).  
Register contents serve as inputs to an internal state-  
machine which controls the erase and programming cir-  
cuitry. During write cycles, the command register inter-  
nally latches address and data needed for the program-  
ming and erase operations. During a system write cycle,  
addresses are latched on the falling edge, and data are  
latched on the rising edge of WE# or CE#, whichever  
happens first.  
MXIC's Automatic Programming algorithm requires the  
user to only write program set-up commands (including  
2 unlock write cycle and A0H) and a program command  
(program data and address). The device automatically  
times the programming pulse width, provides the pro-  
gram verification, and counts the number of sequences.  
A status bit similar to Data# Polling and a status bit  
toggling between consecutive read cycles, provide feed-  
back to the user as to the status of the programming  
operation.Refer to write operation status, table 7, for more  
information on these status bits.  
MXIC's Flash technology combines years of EPROM  
experience to produce the highest levels of quality, reli-  
ability, and cost effectiveness. The MX29LV160C T/B  
electrically erases all bits simultaneously using Fowler-  
Nordheim tunneling. The bytes are programmed by us-  
ing the EPROM programming mechanism of hot electron  
During a program cycle, the state-machine will control  
the program sequences and command register will not  
respond to any command set. During a Sector Erase  
cycle, the command register will only respond to Erase  
Suspend command.After Erase Suspend is completed,  
the device stays in read mode. After the state machine  
has completed its task, it will allow the command regis-  
ter to respond to its full command set.  
The entire chip is bulk erased using 10 ms erase pulses  
according to MXIC's Automatic Chip Erase algorithm.  
Typical erasure at room temperature is accomplished in  
less than 25 second. The Automatic Erase algorithm  
automatically programs the entire array prior to electrical  
erase. The timing and verification of electrical erase are  
controlled internally within the device.  
The automatic select mode provides manufacturer and  
device identification, and sector protection verification,  
through identifier codes output on Q7~Q0.This mode is  
mainly adapted for programming equipment on the de-  
vice to be programmed with its programming algorithm.  
When programming by high voltage method, automatic  
select mode requires VID (11.5V to 12.5V) on address  
pin A9. Other address pin A6, A1 and A0 as referring to  
Table 3.In addition, to access the automatic select codes  
in-system, the host can issue the automatic select com-  
mand through the command register without requiringVID,  
as shown in table 5.  
The MX29LV160CT/B is sector(s) erasable using MXIC's  
Auto Sector Erase algorithm. The Automatic Sector  
Erase algorithm automatically programs the specified  
sector(s) prior to electrical erase. The timing and verifi-  
cation of electrical erase are controlled internally within  
the device. An erase operation can erase one sector,  
multiple sectors, or the entire device.  
To verify whether or not sector being protected, the sec-  
tor address must appear on the appropriate highest order  
MXIC's Automatic Erase algorithm requires the user to  
write commands to the command register using stan-  
REV. 1.2, JAN. 19, 2006  