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MX29F200BMC-70 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MX29F200BMC-70
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内容描述: 2M- BIT [ 256Kx8 / 128Kx16 ] CMOS FLASH MEMORY [2M-BIT [256Kx8/128Kx16] CMOS FLASH MEMORY]
文件页数/大小: 46 页 / 720 K
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Q2 toggles when the system reads at addresses within  
thosesectorsthathavebeenselectedforerasure. (The  
system may use either OE or CE to control the read  
cycles.) ButQ2cannotdistinguishwhetherthesectoris  
actively erasing or is erase-suspended. Q6, by  
comparison, indicates whether the device is actively  
erasing, or is in Erase Suspend, but cannot distinguish  
which sectors are selected for erasure. Thus, both  
Refer to Table 4 to compare outputs for Q2 and Q6.  
Q6:Toggle BIT I  
Toggle Bit I on Q6 indicates whether an Automatic  
Program or Erase algorithm is in progress or complete,  
or whether the device has entered the Erase Suspend  
mode. Toggle Bit I may be read at any address, and is  
valid after the rising edge of the final WE pulse in the  
command sequence(prior to the program or erase  
operation), and during the sector time-out.  
During an Automatic Program or Erase algorithm  
Q6 to toggle. The system may use either OE or CE to  
Q6 stops toggling.  
Reading Toggle Bits Q6/ Q2  
Whenever the system initially begins reading toggle bit  
status, it must read Q7-Q0 at least twice in a row to  
determinewhetheratogglebitistoggling. Typically, the  
system would note and store the value of the toggle bit  
after the first read. After the second read, the system  
would compare the new value of the toggle bit with the  
first. If the toggle bit is not toggling, the device has  
completedtheprogramoreraseoperation. Thesystem  
can read array data on Q7-Q0 on the following read  
After an erase command sequence is written, if all  
sectors selected for erasing are protected, Q6 toggles  
and returns to reading array data. If not all selected  
sectors are protected, the Automatic Erase algorithm  
sectors that are protected.  
The system can use Q6 and Q2 together to determine  
Erase algorithm is in progress), Q6 toggling. When the  
device enters the Erase Suspend mode, Q6 stops  
toggling. However, the system must also use Q2 to  
Alternatively, the system can use Q7.  
However, if after the initial two read cycles, the system  
determines that the toggle bit is still toggling, the system  
alsoshould notewhetherthevalueofQ5ishigh(seethe  
sectiononQ5). Ifitis,thesystemshouldthendetermine  
again whether the toggle bit is toggling, since the toggle  
bit may have stopped toggling just as Q5 went high. If  
the toggle bit is no longer toggling, the device has  
successfuly completed the program or erase operation.  
If it is still toggling, the device did not complete the  
operation successfully, and the system must write the  
reset command to return to reading array data.  
If a program address falls within a protected sector, Q6  
sequence is written, then returns to reading array data.  
Q6 also toggles during the erase-suspend-program  
mode, and stops toggling once the Automatic Program  
algorithm is complete.  
that the toggle bit is toggling and Q5 has not gone high.  
The system may continue to monitor the toggle bit and  
Q5 through successive read cycles, determining the  
status as described in the previous paragraph.  
Alternatively, it may choose to perform other system  
tasks. Inthiscase,thesystemmuststartatthebeginning  
of the algorithm when it returns to determine the status  
of the operation.  
Table 4 shows the outputs for Toggle Bit I on Q6.  
Q2:Toggle Bit II  
The "Toggle Bit II" on Q2, when used with Q6, indicates  
Automatic Erase alorithm is in process), or whether that  
sector is erase-suspended. Toggle Bit I is valid after the  
rising edge of the final WE pulse in the command  
REV. 1.3 , DEC. 24, 2001  