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MAS6503CA1WAD00 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: MAS6503CA1WAD00
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内容描述: [Piezoresistive Sensor Signal Interface IC]
文件页数/大小: 34 页 / 1936 K
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14 December 2016  
MAS6503 includes a 32 bytes (256 bits) EEPROM  
data memory and twelve registers. Two bytes (16  
bits) of EEPROM are reserved for internal 500 kHz  
oscillator frequency trim and programmable I2C  
device address data but the remaining 30 bytes  
(240 bits) are free for storing sensor calibration and  
other data. See table 1 on the previous page for  
register and EEPROM data addresses.  
Test register (E1/61HEX) is mainly used for testing  
and trimming purposes. It defines whether the  
internal oscillator frequency trim data is taken from  
the EEPROM (default setting) or from the registers.  
However if an external clock signal is used the test  
register is needed for selecting the external clock  
signal. See the Test register description for details.  
There are two Measurement control registers, first  
(E2/62HEX) and second (E3/63HEX) which are used  
for configuring and starting an A/D conversion.  
In the SPI serial bus the address bit A7 selects  
between write (A7=0) and read (A7=1) operation. In  
the I2C serial bus A7 is always high (A7=1) and  
selection between write and read operation is done  
with the LSB bit of the I2C device address. See  
table 9 in chapter SERIAL DATA INTERFACE  
CONTROL. The MAS6503 has both hard wired and  
programmable I2C device addresses. The  
The Oscillator frequency control register (E4/64HEX  
is used only during internal clock oscillator  
trimming. During trimming there is searched  
register value which gives closest to the nominal  
500 kHz oscillator frequency. However the internal  
clock oscillator frequency is trimmed by MAS during  
wafer level testing and the trimming value is stored  
into the Oscillator frequency trim data EEPROM  
address (DF/5FHEX). Thus there is no need to adjust  
the factory stored clock oscillator trimming value. In  
normal operation the trim value is automatically  
read from the EEPROM memory in the beginning of  
each conversion.  
programmed to value EA HEX (%11101010) which is  
the same as the hard wired device address of  
MAS6503. When unique device address is needed  
it can be programmed to the Programmable I2C  
Device Address register (DEHEX/5EHEX). The  
MAS6503 will respond to both hard wired and  
programmed I2C device addresses.  
EEPROM write enable register (E6/66HEX) is used  
for enabling EEPROM write (EWE bit = 1) since by  
default the EEPROM is write protected (EWE bit =  
MAS6503 has one trim register: Oscillator  
frequency control register (E4/64HEX). This is  
marked with “R+T” in table 1. In the EEPROM there  
is specific Oscillator frequency trim data address  
(DF/5FHEX) reserved for permanent storage of the  
trim value. This is marked with “E+T” in table 1. The  
internal 500 kHz oscillator frequency trim value is  
automatically read from EEPROM in the beginning  
of each conversion when this feature is enabled in  
the Test register (E1/61HEX). When disabled it is  
possible to test different trim data in the trim  
registers before trimming value is found and stored  
into the EEPROM. Note that Oscillator frequency  
trim value has been factory calibrated and stored  
into the EEPROM.  
The 24-bit A/D conversion result (sensor,  
temperature or VDD level) is stored into three  
registers E8HEX (MSB, most significant byte), E9HEX  
(ISB, intermediate significant byte), EAHEX (LSB,  
least significant byte).  
EEPROM status register (EA/6AHEX) reflects the  
EEPROM error correction status. This register can  
be used to verify that the EEPROM operation has  
finished without errors.  
Regulator output voltage control register (EB/6BHEX  
defines regulator output voltage when the internal  
regulator is enabled.  
Reset register (E0/60HEX) does not contain any  
data. Any dummy data written to this register forces  
a reset. A reset initializes all control registers  
(addresses E1HEX…EBHEX) to a zero value.  
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