Heat-Shrink/Cable Markers
CM-SCE Military grade tie-on cable marker tags
CM-SCE markers are flat, rigid, non-adhesive labels that can be
used to identify large cables and wire bundles in environments
such as military and aerospace. Marker tags are applied to cables
or wire bundles with cable ties.
Print performance meets or exceeds the requirements of
SAE AS81531 4.6.2 and MIL-STD-202.
Features and benefits
Side entry provides access to big size and wire bundles
as well as retrofit and repair capability
Highly flame-retardant
Highly resistant to abrasion, mechanical abuses, fluids,
lubricants and solvents
Ease of use: markers can be easily removed from the carrier
Easy installation: only standard cable tie-wraps
are needed to install markers. No extra steps required
Temperature rating
Operating temperature range
–55°C to +135°C
–67°F to +275°F
Excellent print permanence when printing on the rough
side of the marker
Tyco Electronics
RW 2513
Mark permanence: SAE AS81531 4.6.2
Solvent resistance: MIL-STD-202
Method 215J
UL MH26328 Group PG1S2
Printer information
Tyco Electronics printer
AM6310 (dot matrix)
T312M (thermal transfer)
Tyco Electronics ribbon
1892BK04-RIBBON (dot matrix) (dot matrix)
1966-RIBBON (thermal transfer)
Part numbering system
CM-SCE - 2.5K -1/
Tie-wrap holes
Markable height of marker (inches)
Pack size
Product family
Catalog 1654227
Revised 04-07
Dimensions not italicized are
Dimensions are shown for
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-3611-1514
Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
Japan: 81-44-844-8013
UK: 44-141-810-8967
in millimeters while dimensions reference purposes only.
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
in inches are italicized.
Specifications subject
to change.
Mexico: 01-800-733-8926
C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425