P r o p e r t y o f L i t e - O n O n l y
9. Suggested Checking List
Training and Certification
1. Everyone working in a static-safe area is ESD-certified?
2. Training records kept and re-certification dates monitored?
Static-Safe Workstation & Work Areas
1. Static-safe workstation or work-areas have ESD signs?
2. All surfaces and objects at all static-safe workstation and within 1 ft measure less than 100V?
3. All ionizer activated, positioned towards the units?
4. Each work surface mats grounding is good?
Personnel Grounding
1. Every person (including visitors) handling ESD sensitive (ESDS) items wears wrist strap, heel
strap or conductive shoes with conductive flooring?
2. If conductive footwear used, conductive flooring also present where operator stand or walk?
3. Garments, hairs or anything closer than 1 ft to ESD items measure less than 100V*?
4. Every wrist strap or heel strap/conductive shoes checked daily and result recorded for all DLs?
5. All wrist strap or heel strap checkers calibration up to date?
Note: *50V for Blue LED.
Device Handling
1. Every ESDS items identified by EIA-471 labels on item or packaging?
2. All ESDS items completely inside properly closed static-shielding containers when not at
static-safe workstation?
3. No static charge generators (e.g. plastics) inside shielding containers with ESDS items?
4. All flexible conductive and dissipative package materials inspected before reuse or recycles?
1. Audit result reported to entity ESD control coordinator?
2. Corrective action from previous audits completed?
3. Are audit records complete and on file?
Part No. : LTST-S110KGKT
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