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LTC1624IS8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LTC1624IS8
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内容描述: 高英法fi效率的SO-8 N沟道开关稳压器控制器 [High Efficiency SO-8 N-Channel Switching Regulator Controller]
分类和应用: 稳压器开关式稳压器或控制器电源电路开关式控制器
文件页数/大小: 28 页 / 493 K
品牌: Linear [ Linear ]
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W U U  
ITH/RUN pin below 0.8V relative to the LTC1624 ground  
pin. With the LTC1624 ground pin referenced to VOUT  
both the input and output capacitors. For long capacitor  
lifetime, the RMS value of this current must be less than  
the high frequency ripple rating of the capacitor.  
the nonimal range on the ITH/RUN pin is VOUT (in  
shutdown) to (VOUT + 2.4V)(at Max IOUT). Referring to  
Figure 15, M2, M3 and R3 provide a level shift from typical  
TTL levels to the LTC1624 operating as positive-to-nega-  
tive converter. MOSFET M3 supplies gate drive to M2  
duringshutdown, whileM2pullstheITH/RUN pinvoltageto  
VOUT, shutting down the LTC1624.  
ripple current. This formula assumes continuous mode  
higher ripple current, especially in discontinuous mode.  
For the exact formulas refer to Application Note 44, pages  
28 to 30. The input and output capacitor ripple current  
(occurring at VIN(MIN)) is:  
Step-Down Converters: PC Board Layout Checklist  
When laying out the printed circuit board, the following  
checklist should be used to ensure proper operation of the  
LTC1624. These items are also illustrated graphically in  
the layout diagram of Figure 9. Check the following in your  
Capacitor I  
= ff I  
( )(  
ff = Fudge factor (1.2 to 2.0)  
The output peak-to-peak ripple voltage is:  
1. Are the signal and power grounds segregated? The  
LTC1624 ground (Pin 4) must return to the (–) plate  
of COUT.  
2. Does the VFB (Pin 3) connect directly to the feedback  
resistors? The resistive divider R1, R2 must be con-  
nectedbetweenthe(+)plateofCOUT andsignalground.  
The 100pF capacitor should be as close as possible to  
the LTC1624.  
The input capacitor can also see a very high surge current  
when a battery is suddenly connected, and solid tantalum  
capacitors can fail under this condition. Be sure to specify  
surge tested capacitors.  
Positive-to-Negative Converter: Duty Cycle  
3. Does the VIN lead connect to the input voltage at the  
samepointasRSENSE andaretheSENSEandVIN leads  
routed together with minimum PC trace spacing? The  
filter capacitor between VIN and SENSEshould be as  
close as possible to the LTC1624.  
The minimum on-time of 450ns sets a limit on how high  
cycles. This only impacts designs when very low output  
voltages ( VOUT < 2.5V) are needed. The maximum input  
voltage is:  
4. Does the (+) plate of CIN connect to RSENSE as closely  
as possible? This capacitor provides the AC current to  
the MOSFET(s). Also, does CIN connect as close as  
possible to the VIN and ground pin of the LTC1624?  
This capacitor also supplies the energy required to  
recharge the bootstrap capacitor. Adequate input  
decoupling is critical for proper operation.  
VIN(MAX) < 10.1VOUT + 5V  
For DC > 9%  
VIN(MAX)<36VVOUT Forabsolutemaximumratings  
Positive-to-Negative Converter: Shutdown  
5. Keep the switch node SW away from sensitive small-  
signal nodes. Ideally, M1, L1 and D1 should be con-  
nected as closely as possible at the switch node.  
Since the ground pin on the LTC1624 is referenced to  
VOUT, additional circuitry is needed to put the LTC1624  
into shutdown. Shutdown is enabled by pulling the  