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LT1373CS8 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LT1373CS8
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内容描述: 250kHz的低电源电流高效率1.5A开关稳压器 [250kHz Low Supply Current High Efficiency 1.5A Switching Regulator]
分类和应用: 稳压器开关光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 12 页 / 184 K
品牌: Linear [ Linear ]
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W U U  
A logic low on the S/S pin activates shutdown, reducing  
the part’s supply current to 12µA. Typical synchronization  
range is from 1.05 and 1.8 times the part’s natural switch-  
340kHz. A 12µs resetable shutdown delay network guar-  
antees the part will not go into shutdown while receiving  
a synchronization signal.  
Negative Output Voltage Setting  
The LT1373 develops a 2.45V reference (VNFR) from the  
NFB pin to ground. Output voltage is set by connecting the  
NFB pin to an output resistor divider (Figure 2). The 7µA  
and should not be ignored. This has been accounted for in  
the formula in Figure 2. The suggested value for R2 is  
2.49k. The FB pin is normally left open for negative output  
applications. SeeDualPolarityOutputVoltageSensingfor  
limitations of FB pin loading when using the NFB pin.  
Caution should be used when synchronizing above  
330kHz because at higher sync frequencies the ampli-  
tude of the internal slope compensation used to prevent  
subharmonic switching is reduced. This type of  
subharmonic switching only occurs when the duty cycle  
of the switch is above 50%. Higher inductor values will  
tend to eliminate problems.  
= V  
1 +  
+ I (R1)  
– 2.45  
R1 =  
+ (7 • 10  
Thermal Considerations  
LT1373 • F02  
Care should be taken to ensure that the worst-case input  
voltage and load current conditions do not cause exces-  
sive die temperatures. The packages are rated at 120°C/W  
for SO (S8) and 130°C/W for PDIP (N8).  
Figure 2. Negative Output Resistor Divider  
Dual Polarity Output Voltage Sensing  
Certain applications benefit from sensing both positive  
and negative output voltages. One example is the Dual  
Output Flyback Converter with Overvoltage Protection  
circuit shown in the Typical Applications section. Each  
output voltage resistor divider is individually set as de-  
scribed above. When both the FB and NFB pins are used,  
the LT1373 acts to prevent either output from going  
beyond its set output voltage. For example in this applica-  
tion, if the positive output were more heavily loaded than  
the negative, the negative output would be greater and  
would regulate at the desired set-point voltage. The posi-  
tive output would sag slightly below its set-point voltage.  
This technique prevents either output from going unregu-  
lated high at no load. Please note that the load on the FB  
pin should not exceed 100µA when the NFB pin is used.  
This situation occurs when the resistor dividers are used  
at both FB and NFB. True load on FB is not the full divider  
current unless the positive output is shorted to ground.  
See Dual Output Flyback Converter application.  
Average supply current (including driver current) is:  
IIN = 1mA + DC (ISW/60 + ISW • 0.004)  
ISW = switch current  
DC = switch duty cycle  
Switch power dissipation is given by:  
PSW = (ISW)2 • RSW • DC  
RSW = output switch “On” resistance  
Total power dissipation of the die is the sum of supply  
current times supply voltage plus switch power:  
D(TOTAL) = (IIN • VIN) + PSW  
Choosing the Inductor  
For most applications the inductor will fall in the range of  
size of the inductor. Higher values allow more output  
current because they reduce peak current seen by the  
power switch which has a 1.5A limit. Higher values also  
reduce input ripple voltage, and reduce core loss.  
Shutdown and Synchronization  
The dual function S/S pin provides easy shutdown and  
synchronization. It is logic level compatible and can be  
pulledhigh, tiedtoVIN orleftfloatingfornormaloperation.  
When choosing an inductor you might have to consider  
maximum load current, core and copper losses, allowable  