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N5399C 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: N5399C
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [Validation and Compliance Software]
文件页数/大小: 21 页 / 4023 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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10 | Keysight | N5399C, N5399D HDMI Electrical Performance Validation and Compliance Software - Data Sheet  
Margin Analysis  
In addition to providing you with measurement results, the HDMI  
test software provides a report format that shows you not only  
where your product passes or fails, but also reports how close  
you are to the limits specified for a particular test assertion.  
You select the margin test report parameter, which means you  
can specify the level at which warnings are issued to alert you  
to the electrical tests where your product is operating close  
to the official test limit defined by the HDMI compliance test  
specification for a given test assertion.  
You may add additional custom tests or steps to your application  
using the user-defined application (UDA) development tool  
(www.keysight.com/find/uda). Use UDA to develop functional  
“Add-Ins” that you can plug into your application.  
Add-ins may be designed as:  
– Complete custom tests (with configuration variables and  
connection prompts)  
– Any custom steps such as pre or post processing scripts,  
external instrument control and your own device control  
Margin is calculated:  
Single-sided specification:  
Margin = (ValueSpecification – Valueactual)/ValueSpecification  
Double-sided specification:  
Margin = lowest of:  
(ValueSpecification_High – Valueactual)/RangeSpecification  
(ValueSpecification_Low – Valueactual)/RangeSpecification  
Eye margin: Another method of evaluating the eye is provided  
by sweeping the eye horizontally with the specified mask and  
determining the last locations on the left and right portions of  
the interior eye where there are no violations in the mask. The  
distance from the center mask location is a measure of design  
margin and is reported as eye margin if that eye mask mode is  
chosen in the configuration screen.  
Figure 13. Importing a UDA Add-In into your test application.  
Figure 12. The HDMI software results report documents your test,  
indicates the pass/fail status, the test specification range, the measured  
values, and the margin.  
Figure 14. UDA Add-In tests and utilities in your test application.  