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N4960-60006 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: N4960-60006
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内容描述: [Serial BERT 17 and 32 Gb/s]
文件页数/大小: 26 页 / 4744 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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22 | Keysight | N4960A Serial BERT 17 and 32 Gb/s - Data Sheet  
N4951A/N4951B7 pattern generator remote head specifications (cont’d)  
SJ1 frequency range  
SJ modulation range  
1 Hz to 150 MHz, over-programmable to 200 MHz  
Range of SJ1 and SJ2. The maximum combined peak jitter of SJ1 + SJ2 +RJ (p-p) + external jitter are  
applied to the high frequency band modulator (see Figure 26).  
0 to 0.8 UI p-p for modulation frequency 1 Hz to 30 MHz, 4 to 32 Gb/s  
0 to 0.33 UI p-p for modulation frequency >30 MHz to 150 MHz, 4 to 29 Gb/s  
0 to 0.2 UI p-p for modulation frequency >30 MHz to 150 MHz, >29 to 31.5 Gb/s  
Over-programmable to 1.0 UI  
RJ1 modulation range  
0 to 24 mUI rms, 4 to 29 Gb/s  
0 to 14 mUI rms, >29 to 31.5 Gb/s  
Over-programmable to 50 mUI rms  
0.002 to 100 UI for frequency ≤ 62.5 kHz  
Low frequency PJ1 modulation range  
0.002 to (6.25E6/ PJ frequency) for frequency > 62.5 kHz to 17 MHz (see Figure 26)  
0.001 to 50 UI for frequency ≤ 68.4 kHz  
Low frequency external modulation  
0.001 to (3.42E6/modulation frequency) for frequency > 68.4 kHz to 4 MHz (see Figure 26)  
See Figure 20  
Ch ID – connected to N4960A channel  
High frequency external modulation range  
Atten – error condition occurred and logged in error log  
On – data output on  
1. Jitter injection specs (SJ, PJ, RJ, Ext) apply only to a pattern generator connected to the Jitter port.  