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M9203A-M10 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: M9203A-M10
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: [PXIe High-Speed Digitizer]
文件页数/大小: 14 页 / 2181 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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05 | Keysight | M9203A PXIe High-Speed Digitizer/Wideband Digital Receiver - Data Sheet  
Firmware Options  
The M9203A PXIe High-Speed Digitizer/Wideband Digital  
Receiver provides several firmware options:  
DGT: Digitizer firmware  
TSR triggered simultaneous acquisition and readout  
The triggered simultaneous acquisition and readout architecture  
allows to continuously acquire new records while reading previ-  
ous ones.  
INT: Interleaved channel sampling functionality  
FDK1: Custom firmware capablility  
TSR2: Triggered simultaneous acquisition and readout  
DDC: Wideband real-time digital down-conversion  
TSR solution is dedicated to applications requiring no trigger loss,  
achieving longer recording time when compares with standard  
digitizer (-DGT).  
Easy firmware switch  
TSR option main features:  
High trigger rate with guaranteed no lost trigger for specific  
A simple call to the configuration function will enable to switch to  
the required option.  
– Easy to use solution, implementing an optimal and  
automated control of memory addressing.  
DGT digitizer firmware  
The digitizer firmware:  
– Selecting larger memory size option allows longer record  
size and provides larger buffer for data transfer to host PC,  
especially useful for applications with non-periodic trigger or  
very high trigger rate during a limited period.  
– Allows standard data acquisition, including: digitizer  
initialization, setting of the acquisition and clocking modes,  
management of channel triggering for best synchronization,  
storing data in the internal memory and/or transferring them  
through the backplane bus.  
– Implements multi-record acquisition functionality.  
Supports fixed internal clocking frequency with internal or  
external reference, and variable frequency external clock.  
– Offers programmable binary decimation to lower the sample  
rate by a factor of 2n where n is defined in the range 1 to 10  
for single record.  
DDC real-time digital down-conversion  
The real-time digital down-conversion option (-DDC), in addition  
to the basic digitizer functionality, implements a real-time digital  
decimation and filtering on the digitized data, allowing the user  
to tune and zoom on the signals of interest. This exclusive IP  
algorithm provides very powerful and flexible digital down-  
conversion on 2 channels. The filters and local oscillators (LO) are  
synchronized to maintain constant phase and timing relationships  
allowing phase-coherent post processing.  
e.g. you can select from 1.6 GS/s down to 1.5625 MS/s.  
– Trigger time interpolator (TTI): high precision integrated time  
to digital converter can be used to increase time measure-  
ment accuracy.  
The DDC provides three main functions:  
– Frequency shifting (tune): Independently shifting each chan-  
nels IF signal into baseband, allows the analysis bandwidth  
to be set around the signal of interest.  
INT interleaved channel sampling functionality  
This interleave option allows two channels to be combined and to  
reach 3.2 GS/s in one channel acquisition mode.  
– Data reduction (zoom): Reducing the bandwidth and sample  
rate to match the analyzed signal decreases the amount of  
data that needs to be transferred for a given capture dura-  
tion, in turn accelerating post-processing operations.  
– Magnitude trigger: Setting the magnitude level that the  
down converted signal needs to achieve at a specified  
frequency and bandwidth to generate a digital trigger on all  
FDK custom firmware capability  
This option enables loading4 custom firmware created with the  
U5340A FPGA development kit5.  
These functions allow isolation of the signal of interest from  
other signals in a crowded spectrum, improved dynamic range  
as the integrated noise is reduced, and increased SNR and  
effective number of bits (ENOB). The resulting advantage for your  
application is a reduced test time, while improving overall test  
1. A calibration digitizer function is available with each firmware.  
2. Only available with DGT option.  
3. Please contact Keysight to find out the repetition rate that can be  
achieved in your application.  
4. On the Virtex-6 LX195T DPU FPGA.  
5. There are 11 W maximum power dedicated to FPGA processing, the  
custom firmware design must fit within this power provision.  