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89601BN 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 89601BN
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内容描述: [89601B/BN-300 Hardware Connectivity]
文件页数/大小: 23 页 / 5234 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
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12 | Keysight | 89601B/BN-200 Basic Vector Signal Analysis, 89601B/BN-300 Hardware Connectivity, 89600 VSA Software - Technical Overview  
Time gating  
Time-selective frequency domain analysis on any input or analog demodulated time-domain data. Inde-  
pendent gate delays can be set for each input channel.  
Gate length, maximum  
Gate length, minimum  
Main time length  
Window shape/(0.3 x frequency span) where window shape is:  
Flat top 2.2  
Hanning 1.5  
Uniform 1  
Blackman-Harris 2.0044  
Kaiser-Bessel 2.0013  
Gaussian 2.0212  
Gaussian Top 2.215  
Number available  
Unlimited markers per trace  
Normal, delta, fixed, OBW, ACP, spectrogram  
Peak, next peak left, next peak right, peak lower, peak higher, minimum  
Copy marker to>  
Start freq, stop freq, center freq, ref level, despread chan, analysis TS/FS, delta to span, counter to  
center frequency, centroid to center  
Marker functions  
Band power  
Peak signal track, frequency counter, band power, couple  
Can be placed on any time, frequency, or demodulated trace for direct computation of band power, rms  
square root (of power), C/N, or C/No, computed within the selected portion of the data.  
Occupied bandwidth (OBW)  
OBW results  
Placed on spectrum traces only to dynamically compute the bandwidth required to provide x% of power  
in the band. User selectable from 0 to 100%  
Total power in span  
Power in OBW  
Power ratio (OBW/Span)  
OBW lower frequency  
OBW higher frequency  
Centroid frequency  
Offset frequency (measurement center freq – centroid freq)  
Adjacent channel power  
Placed on spectrum traces only  
User-settable parameters  
Center frequency and bandwidth of the carrier channel  
Offset frequency and bandwidth of each offset channel  
Reference offset allows offset channel to be centered anywhere on screen  
ACP results  
Pass/fail limits for each offset (applied to both lower and upper result)  
Carrier band power  
Power in both lower and upper offset bands for each frequency offset  
Power in both lower and upper offset bands for each frequency offset, relative to the carrier (ACPR)  
Worst case (of the upper and lower offsets) ACPR for each frequency offset  
Pass/fail condition relative to user supplied thresholds  