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86100DU 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: 86100DU
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内容描述: [Advanced EYE Analysis Software]
文件页数/大小: 2 页 / 1138 K
品牌: KEYSIGHT [ Keysight Technologies ]
 浏览型号86100DU的Datasheet PDF文件第1页  
Compliant BER-contour Based  
Mask Testing  
Calibrate Stressed  
Eye Transmitters  
86100 Software:  
86100CU-401 Advanced EYE  
Analysis or 86100DU-401  
Advanced EYE Analysis  
86100C/D-200 Enhanced  
Jitter Analysis (required for DDPWS,  
optional for all  
Sampling scopes, due to their unmatched  
signal fidelity, continue to be the de facto  
standard for mask testing. However,  
some specifications like CEI 2.0 and XFP  
MSA, specify an eye mask test based on a  
specified BER such as 1E-12. While these  
masks can be modified and run using  
traditional scope-based mask testing,  
it’s now possible to perform BER-contour  
based mask testing using Option 401.  
The dual-Dirac model is commonly used  
in technology standards to quickly and  
accurately estimate total jitter defined at  
a low BER such as TJ @ 1E-12. However,  
calibrating a stressed eye transmitter with  
large amounts of jitter can often be a  
challenge for test equipment using  
other measurements)  
Note - For ultra-low level jitter measurements  
(RJ<500fs) we recommend using Option-401  
in conjunction with 86100C/D-200.  
this standards-based estimation  
technique. In the presence of increasing  
RJ injection, for example, reported DJ will  
tend to decrease and seem to “disappear”  
on BERTs and scopes using this model.  
J2 jitter, sometimes referred to as “99%  
Jitter” or “all but 1% for jitter”, is some-  
times used by engineers when calibrating  
stressed-eye signals for receiver testing.  
Why? J2 “measures” jitter directly from  
histogram data rather than “estimating”  
jitter based on models. IEEE 802.3ae  
(2002) and draft specifications such as  
IEEE 802.3ba and SFF-8431 are examples  
of standards that use this high probability  
jitter measurement. J9 Jitter is “all but  
10E-9” of the jitter distribution and is  
estimated at a BER of 2.5E-10.  
PC Software:  
86100CU-401 and 86100DU-  
401 Measurements  
Microsoft Office Excel2003 or  
Excel 2007  
Keysight Technologies, Inc. IO  
Libraries Suite Rev 15.0 (or later)  
The application performs the following  
Optional Hardware:  
Jitter Measurements  
External PC  
Total Jitter (TJ), Random Jitter (RJ),  
Deterministic Jitter (DJ), J2 Jitter (J2), J9  
Jitter (J9), Data Dependent Pulse Width  
Shrinkage (DDPWS)*  
82357B USB/GPIB Interface USB 2.0  
Instrument control is made using either  
LAN or GPIB.  
* Requires 86100C/D-200  
For more information visit:  
Amplitude Measurements  
Total Interference (TI), Random Noise (RN),  
Deterministic Interference (DI),  
Eye Opening.  
86100CU-401 and 86100DU-401 are ca-  
pable of measuring jitter in excess of 0.7UI  
so they are an ideal solution for calibrating  
stressed eye transmitters. It also reports  
J2 and J9, thereby saving engineers from  
having to measure histogram data and  
calculate these parameters offline.  
Mask Test  
Pass/Fail Status, BER limit.Standards  
based BER contour masks, such as  
OIF-CEI-2.0 and XFP, included. User-  
defined masks also supported.  
Typical System Configurations  
Advanced EYE Analysis software  
Figure 4 – A typical hardware configuration  
includes 86100C C/D DCA Wideband  
oscilloscope and an 86108A Precision  
Waveform Analyzer.  
application operates with any 86100C/D  
hardware configuration. It performs com-  
pliant jitter and mask measurements on  
optical or electrical signals. Option-401  
is ordered as a software upgrade and is  
licensed to a single 86100C/D mainframe  
using the instruments’s host ID and  
serial number.  
For more information on Keysight Technologies’  
products, applications or services, please  
contact your local Keysight office.  
Figure 3 −Precision mask testing using BER  
contours. Image shows 1E-12 contour (red  
line) compared to OIF-CEI 2.0 mask.  
86100 Hardware:  
The complete list is available at:  
86100C or 86100D Mainframe  
86100C-001 Enhanced Trigger or  
86100D-ETR Enhanced Trigger  
(required for DDPWS, otherwise  
This information is subject to change without notice.  
© Keysight Technologies, 2009 – 2014  
Published in USA, July 31, 2014  
Any DCA measurement module  