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AM186EM-25VIW 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: AM186EM-25VIW
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内容描述: 8位/ 16位微控制器 [8-Bit/16-Bit Microcontrollers]
分类和应用: 微控制器
文件页数/大小: 146 页 / 1574 K
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Data Sheet  
8-Bit/16-Bit Microcontrollers  
February 25, 2011  
2.2.14 hldaBus Hold Acknowledge (synchronous output)  
This pin is pulled high to signal the system that the microcontroller has ceded control of the local  
bus, in response to a high on the hold signal by an external bus master, after the microcontroller  
has completed the current bus cycle. The assertion of hlda is accompanied by the tristating of  
den_n, rd_n, wr_n, s2_ns0_n, ad15ad0, s6, a19a0, bhe_n, whb_n, wlb_n, and dt/r_n,  
followed by the driving high of the chip selects ucs_n, lcs_n, mcs3_nmcs0_n, pcs6_npcs5_n,  
and pcs3_npcs0_n. The external bus master releases control of the local bus by the deassertion  
of hold that in turn induces the microcontroller to deassert the hlda. The microcontroller can  
take control of the bus if necessary (to execute a refresh for example), by deasserting hlda  
without the bus master first deasserting hold. This requires that the external bus master be able  
to deassert hold to permit the microcontroller to access the bus.  
2.2.15 holdBus Hold Request (synchronous level-sensitive input)  
This pin is pulled high to signal the microcontroller that the system requires control of the local  
The hold latency time (time between the hold and hlda) depends on the current processor activity  
when the hold is received. A hold request is second only to a DMA refresh request in priority of  
processor activity requests. If a hold request is received at the moment a DMA transfer starts,  
the hold latency can be up to 4 bus cycles. (This happens only on the IA186EM when a word  
transfer is taking place from an odd to an odd address.) This means that the latency may be 16  
clock cycles without wait states. Furthermore, if lock transfers are being performed, then the  
latency time is increased during the locked transfer.  
2.2.16 int0Maskable Interrupt Request 0 (asynchronous input)  
The int0 pin provides an indication that an interrupt request has occurred, and provided that int0  
is not masked, program execution will continue at the location specified by the INT0 vector in  
the interrupt vector table. Although interrupt requests are asynchronous, they are synchronized  
internally and may be edge- or level-triggered. To ensure that it is recognized, the assertion of  
the interrupt request must be maintained until it is handled.  
2.2.17 int1/select_nMaskable Interrupt Request 1/Slave Select (both are asynchronous  
The int1 pin provides an indication that an interrupt request has occurred, and provided that int1  
is not masked, program execution will continue at the location specified by the int1 vector in the  
interrupt vector table. Although interrupt requests are asynchronous, they are synchronized  
internally and may be edge- or level-triggered. To ensure that it is recognized, the assertion of  
the interrupt request must be maintained until it is handled.  
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