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IC-PN2624CHIP 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: IC-PN2624CHIP
PDF下载: 下载PDF文件 查看货源
内容描述: 相控阵游标编码器26-1024 [PHASED ARRAY NONIUS ENCODER 26-1024]
分类和应用: 编码器
文件页数/大小: 7 页 / 249 K
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Rev B1, Page 6/7
Figure 1: Application example of absolute encoder circuit.
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iC-Haus does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the specification on this site and does not assume liability for any errors or omissions
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areas of applications of the product.
iC-Haus conveys no patent, copyright, mask work right or other trade mark right to this product. iC-Haus assumes no liability for any patent and/or other trade
mark rights of a third party resulting from processing or handling of the product and/or any other use of the product.
As a general rule our developments, IPs, principle circuitry and range of Integrated Circuits are suitable and specifically designed for appropriate use in technical
applications, such as in devices, systems and any kind of technical equipment, in so far as they do not infringe existing patent rights. In principle the range of
use is limitless in a technical sense and refers to the products listed in the inventory of goods compiled for the 2008 and following export trade statistics issued
annually by the Bureau of Statistics in Wiesbaden, for example, or to any product in the product catalogue published for the 2007 and following exhibitions in
Hanover (Hannover-Messe).
We understand suitable application of our published designs to be state-of-the-art technology which can no longer be classed as inventive under the stipulations
of patent law. Our explicit application notes are to be treated only as mere examples of the many possible and extremely advantageous uses our products can
be put to.